Dr. Fenske honored by Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons

Dr. Neil Alan Fenske (right), USF chair of dermatology and outgoing FSDS president, accepts the plaque commending his service from incoming FSDS president Dr. Fred Eaglestein (left).

Neil Alan Fenske, MD, professor and chair of the USF Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, has been recognized by the Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons (FSDS) as the only medical school departmental chair to serve as the society’s president.

The society recognized this academic “first” and presented Dr. Fenske with a plaque honoring and commending his service as 2010 FSDS president (his term ends Dec. 31) at the organization’s 29th Annual Meeting, Advances in Dermatologic Surgery, Nov. 5-7, 2010, in Orlando, FL.

The Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons was formed in 1981. Its mission is to promote the highest professional quality of dermatologic surgery, to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and methodology for dermatologic surgery and related basic sciences, and to recognize those physicians who have become proficient in dermatologic surgery.

Four USF dermatology residents presented scientific papers at this year’s FSDS annual meeting. They were, from right to left, Dr. Jeremy Etzkorn, Dr. Stephanie Liu, Dr. Kalipa Paghdal and Dr. Elizabeth Arrington.