On Friday, February 15 the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences had some much younger guests attend class. As part of the Pediatric Physical Therapy course Dr. Holloway recruited children under the age of 14 to work with our second year DPT students. The DPT students were performing standardized assessments of motor skills using the Peabody Development Motor Scales and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Essentially these are motor skill assessments that have the children perform sitting, walking, and running tests. The DPT students then compared their findings with each student to the performance of other children in the same age group.
Baby Day gives our DPT students the opportunity to learn about administration and interpretation of tests commonly used in pediatric physical therapy. The students administer age appropriate tests with the guidance from faculty and interpret the score. It also gives them the opportunity to practice talking with families and interacting with children. Working with smaller children and having Baby Day at the school is important because it provides an authentic learning experience for the students to administer the tests, problem solve, and how to interact children and parents. This is the 2nd annual Baby Day at the School which has expanded to an all day activity with over 11 children ranging from 4 months to 14 years of age.