USF Health SPTRS Faculty & Staff Contribute to the Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development

USF Health SPTRS faculty and staff were recognized as contributors in an issue of the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD) which was released December 2016. The article title: Functional performance differences between the Genium and C-Leg prosthetic knees and intact knees, focuses on people who have transfemoral amputation impairments and their associated limitations. Dr. Jason Highsmith served as lead author, along with SPTRS co-authors, Dr. William S. Quillen, SPTRS Director; and Dr. Rebecca Miro, Unit Research Administrator.

The study focused on the differences between two microprocessor prosthetic knees while evaluating subjects performing daily living tasks. Participants were expected to walk on varying surfaces to mimic the differences in household flooring, maneuver around objects, and carry variable home essentials during the assessment process. The research team evaluated each subject to provide an understanding of prosthetic optimization while determining if a significant difference existed between devices.