Drs. Highsmith and Miro Awarded Grant from the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association

MiroHighWebSpSPTRS faculty Dr. Jason Highsmith and Dr. Rebecca Miro were awarded a $15,000 grant funded by the Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Learning and Outcomes/Evidence-Based Practice (COPL) in conjunction with the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA). Dr. Highsmith is the principal investigator and Dr. Miro the co-principal investigator. The title of the grant is “Concurrent Validation of the Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance Test (CS PFP-10) in Transfemoral Amputees.” This project continues the collaboration between Drs. Highsmith and Miro and Dr. Elaine Cress, creator of the CS PFP-10, and SPTRS.