#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: Deans Lecture Series

| Monday Letter, Our Conferences

The #usfcophrocks tour is headed to the Dean’s Lecture Series for a conversation with COPH alumna Dr. Charlan D. Kroelinger. She improves the public’s health through her work with the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Assigned to the Field Support Branch in the Division of Reproductive Health, Kroelinger serves as the team leader for the MCH Epidemiology Program.

Friday, April 17
Noon-1 p.m.
USF College of Public Health
Samuel P. Bell, III Auditorium
Tampa, Florida

Join us.

Charlan Kroelinger DLS

This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration. To learn more about this event, contact Peggy Smith at msmith3@health.usf.edu.