Teams learn communication and teamwork skills at quality improvement training


Teams from Florida hospitals attended a TeamSTEPPS Master Training in Hollywood in March 2015 hosted by the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative and the March of Dimes.

TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals. Fully trained TeamSTEPPS Masters will be able to provide instruction, coaching, and leadership for implementing TeamSTEPPS methods in their facility.

Orlando Health Team

Orlando Health Team

TeamSTEPPS Trainers Maya Balakrishnan, MD, Terri Ashmeade, MD, and Teresa Mahan-Etheridge, ARNP-BC led the Master Training, which was a full two day workshop that covered team structure, communication, leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, change management, coaching, measurement, and implementation planning. Neonatal, obstetric, and health department care providers, including nurses, physicians, therapists, and educators, got a lot out of the training.


Teamwork Exercise

Attendees participated in fun teamwork exercises, practiced coaching and received feedback, and had the opportunity to work on applying concepts to their own facility’s quality improvement projects as a team. Participants expressed that they enjoyed the opportunities to apply and explore best practices within their teams and with other attendees.

Participants appreciated that the event was offered and have requested additional trainings. The FPQC is hoping to offer an additional quality improvement workshop this year. Check the FPQC Event page for more information on upcoming events.

Maya Balakrishnan, Teresa Mahan-Etheridge, and Terri Ashmeade

Maya Balakrishnan, Teresa Mahan-Etheridge, and Terri Ashmeade