Posts Tagged SUD

Wrapping Up Maternal QI Initiatives: PROVIDE & MORE Focus on Sustainability

| Chiles Center, FPQC, Maternal and Child Health

The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC) has had an exciting Spring as the Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries (PROVIDE) and the Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort (MORE) Initiatives conclude. Virtual celebration meetings with teams were held on May 4th, 2022 for PROVIDE and May 17th, 2022 for MORE, with over 180 participants between both meetings. These celebrations recognized hospitals for their many successes and discussed how to sustain their successes and momentum achieved during the initiatives.  Dr. William Sappenfield, FPQC Director, opened the meetings with a special thank you for hospital teams’ […]

PROVIDE and MORE Virtual Mid-Point Meetings Celebrate Successes and Look to the Future

| Chiles Center, FPQC

The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC) has been busy this fall preparing for the final virtual meetings for our two maternal health quality improvement initiatives: PROVIDE (Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries) and MORE (Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort). On September 23, over 130 attendees from 45 hospital teams, Healthy Start Coalitions, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, and state agencies and organizations gathered virtually to learn how the PROVIDE initiative is progressing, hear tips from state and national experts on reducing Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (NTSV) cesarean births, and gain inspiration for making the […]