Posts Tagged Quality Improvement

Wrapping Up Maternal QI Initiatives: PROVIDE & MORE Focus on Sustainability

| Chiles Center, FPQC, Maternal and Child Health

The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC) has had an exciting Spring as the Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries (PROVIDE) and the Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort (MORE) Initiatives conclude. Virtual celebration meetings with teams were held on May 4th, 2022 for PROVIDE and May 17th, 2022 for MORE, with over 180 participants between both meetings. These celebrations recognized hospitals for their many successes and discussed how to sustain their successes and momentum achieved during the initiatives.  Dr. William Sappenfield, FPQC Director, opened the meetings with a special thank you for hospital teams’ […]

PROVIDE and MORE Virtual Mid-Point Meetings Celebrate Successes and Look to the Future

| Chiles Center, FPQC

The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC) has been busy this fall preparing for the final virtual meetings for our two maternal health quality improvement initiatives: PROVIDE (Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries) and MORE (Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort). On September 23, over 130 attendees from 45 hospital teams, Healthy Start Coalitions, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, and state agencies and organizations gathered virtually to learn how the PROVIDE initiative is progressing, hear tips from state and national experts on reducing Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (NTSV) cesarean births, and gain inspiration for making the […]

New neonatal initiative aims to better involve families


Monica Babich didn’t feel like a mother when she was separated from her daughter Elara following her birth. Skin-to-skin care in the neonatal intensive care unit changed that. By holding Elara skin-to-skin, Monica could feel like a mother and knew she was providing just what Elara needed. Monica, was one of three mothers and fathers who spoke on the experience of parents of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit at the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative’s PAIRED Initiative Kick Off meeting held on March 19, 2021. FPQC’s new infant health […]


Continuing to PROVIDE during the pandemic: Florida hospitals meet to promote primary vaginal deliveries


The Mid-Project Meeting for the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative’s Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries (PROVIDE) Initiative looked a little different than meetings in the past. Held virtually on November 19, 2020, the meeting attracted more than 130 participants including hospital representatives, healthcare organizations, and other stakeholders. The meeting was an opportunity […]

The Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort Mid-Project Meeting Connects Diverse Stakeholders


On October 22, 2020, more than 85 participants, representing hospitals, Healthy Start Coalitions, managed care organizations and other stakeholders, gathered for the Maternal Opioid Recovery Effort (MORE) virtual mid-project meeting to assess progress and brainstorm future strategies for supporting mothers. The meeting highlighted the impact of the latest data on maternal death rates, as well as the status of quality improvement activities among hospitals involved in the initiative. Keynote speakers shared information on efforts to build networks of care and deliver trauma-informed services to vulnerable women with OUD before and […]

NICU Teams, Families, Partners Share NAS Progress and Plans


In the midst of the current opioid epidemic, Florida hospital teams continue to merge evidence, compassion, and action to improve the quality of care for infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). On September 20, 2019, thirty-three Florida NICUs convened for the FPQC Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Initiative Mid-Project Meeting at […]

L&D Teams Across Florida Hone C-Section Prevention Skills


Since early 2018, Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative trainers have traveled the state teaching Labor Support Skills Workshops to promote primary vaginal deliveries to OB care providers. During the FPQC Labor Support workshops, nurses, midwives and physicians, have an opportunity to learn evidence-based strategies to prevent cesarean sections.  A Certified Nurse-Midwife […]