Posts Tagged oral health

USF Health students work together to address health needs in Jamaica

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USF College of Public Health students in the International Health Service Collaborative (IHSC), an interdisciplinary mix of USF Health students, faculty and professionals who work to promote health in underserved communities abroad, spent their annual week-long service trip in Jamaica this March.   This was the first time the group […]

PhD student Stacey Griner addresses oral health literacy

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October is National Dental Hygiene Month “There is very little research about dental and oral health among college students and on university campuses,” Stacey Griner said. “So I decided to use my training in dental hygiene to learn more about the dental needs of students and identify areas that can […]

COPH makes an impact at the American Academy of Health Behavior Conference

| Academic & Student Affairs, CFH, COPH Office of Research, Departments, Featured News, Monday Letter, Offices, Our Alumni, Our Research, Students

The American Academy of Health Behavior conference, held Feb. 21-24 in Ponte Vedra, had a heavy USF College of Public Health presence. Doctoral students and faculty from the Department of Community and Family Health presented ten posters during the evening poster sessions at the conference.   Four of the posters […]

Honors College Student wins Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award

| Academic & Student Affairs, CFH, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Research, Students, Undergraduate Programs

Lynn Le, a recent USF Honors College graduate, was a recipient of an Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award, which was given to the top five percent of students based on their professional mannerisms and oral and poster presentations at the 2015 USF Undergraduate Research and Arts Colloquium on April 9. […]

Dr. Cheryl Vamos and colleagues report on a preventive child oral health intervention among dental providers

| CFH, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Research

Public Health researcher Dr. Cheryl Vamos and colleagues report on the impact of the Baby Oral Health Program (bOHP), an intervention intiative, on dental providers’ knowledge, values, confidence and practice behaviors regarding preventive oral health care to young children (<3 years). The study also assessed the feasibility and satisfaction of […]

Public Health investigators awarded more than $26k in women’s health seed grants

| CFH, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Accolades

Four USF College of Public Health researchers are recipients of seed grants from the USF Health Office of Women’s Health. They include Ellen M. Daley, PhD, Linda A. Detman, PhD, Russell Kirby, PhD, MS, and Cheryl A. Vamos, PhD, MPH. “The intent of the grant offering is to develop faculty research collaboration across USF Health and other USF colleges on a subject related to women’s health,” said Catherine M. Lynch, MD, associate vice president for Women’s Health and Faculty Development. The six awards funded for May 1-April 30 total $50,000. […]