Posts Tagged Maureen Guthke

USF is well represented at FPHA

| CFH, COPH Home Page Feed, COPH Office of Research, Departments, EOH, Epidemiology, Featured News, HPM, Monday Letter, Students, Take Note!

It’s official! The 2016 Florida Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting was a huge success! The theme for this year’s meeting was “Challenges and Strategies for a New Age of Public Health.” It was held July 27-29 in Orlando, Fla. On Wednesday, July 27, the USF College of Public Health hosted […]

Halting hookah use among undergraduate students

| Featured News, Monday Letter, Take Note!

The prevalence of current cigarette use has declined, according to the 2014 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences of Smoking-50 Years of Progress. However, there is significant evidence showing an increase in use of alternate tobacco products including hookah, especially among young adults. As a result, the recommendation in the […]