Posts Tagged Maternal and Child Health

Graduate student first-time recipient of the Russell S. Kirby Scholarship in MCH Award

| Academic & Student Affairs, Featured News, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Accolades, Students, Take Note!, Undergraduate Programs

USF College of Public Health (COPH) graduate student YaMaya Barley received the newly established Russell S. Kirby Scholarship in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) this past August. To qualify for the scholarship, applicants must be graduate students enrolled full-time. Moreover, Dr. Russell Kirby, USF Distinguished Professor and Marrell Endowed Chair, […]

Sixty percent of car seats are used improperly. Better data keeps kids safer

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Doctoral Programs, Featured News, Health and Safety, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Students, Take Note!

September is National Child Passenger Safety Month Every 33 seconds, the National Safety Council (NSC) reports that a child in this country is involved in a car crash. Every nine days, another child dies from heat stroke in a car. And 66 children are killed annually in backup crashes. Motor […]

What I did on my summer vacation: Highlights from student summer internships

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Epidemiology, Featured News, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Online Programs, Take Note!, Undergraduate Programs

From analyzing data for a maternal child health home visiting program in Montana to doing education outreach and communications for the solid waste department in Sarasota County, USF College of Public Health students practiced their passion this summer at internships around the country. We asked them not only about what […]

Fellowship gives MPH student insider view into food safety

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Epidemiology, Featured News, Health and Safety, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Accolades, Our People

Chinwendu Ilonzo, a USF College of Public Health MPH student, has recently begun a 6-month evaluation fellowship with the nonprofit food safety organization Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE).  The PFSE partners with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), other federal agencies and private entities to develop and […]

How can the MCH workforce better prepare vulnerable populations for hurricanes?

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Office of Research, Doctoral Programs, Featured News, Health and Safety, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Our Research, Students

Devastating hurricanes impact us all, but perhaps none so much as pregnant people, infants and special needs children and their families. USF College of Public Health (COPH) PhD candidate Blake Scott, along with COPH Associate Professor and alumna Jennifer Marshall and colleagues, set out to determine how the maternal child […]

From labor doula to lactation consultant to legislator? COPH grad runs for Congress

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, FPQC, Masters Programs, MCH Training Grant, Monday Letter, Our Alumni

After Randi McCallian graduated college with a degree in psychology and a minor in biology, she married her love of science with service and began working with young children on the autism spectrum, providing in-home and community-based behavioral therapy.  It was work that ultimately drove her to study maternal child […]

Dr. William Sappenfield named 2022 Distinguished University Professor

| Academic & Student Affairs, Chiles Center, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Accolades, Our People

USF College of Public Health’s (COPH) Dr. William Sappenfield, director of the USF Chiles Center, was recently named a USF Distinguished University Professor. The Distinguished University Professor award recognizes senior faculty members who have distinguished themselves among their peers both within and outside USF. The title is awarded through a […]

Diversifying the maternal and child health workforce

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Office of Research, Featured News, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, MCH Training Grant, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Our Research, Students, Undergraduate Programs

A pipeline training program (PTP) is a step in the right direction toward diversifying the representation of professionals working in the field of maternal and child health (MCH), according to new research published by USF College of Public Health’s Dr. Anna Torrens Armstrong, associate professor.   In “An Overview of […]