Posts Tagged Human Trafficking

Save the date: This year’s MCHSO symposium will address adolescent health

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Monday Letter, Students, Take Note!, Undergraduate Programs

The USF Maternal and Child Health Student Organization (MCHSO) will hold its 10th annual symposium on Friday, March 1, at the USF College of Public Health (COPH). The MCHSO is a forum for students interested in maternal and child health to interact and engage in service and learning opportunities related […]

USF joins community partners to strengthen anti-human trafficking efforts

| COPH Home Page Feed, Departments, Featured News, Global Health, Monday Letter, Our People, Take Note!

The workshop brought together USF students and researchers, community advocates and law enforcement to brainstorm about best ways to unite efforts For 16 years of her childhood Connie Rose endured incest, was exploited and sex trafficked – all at the hands of a serial sex offender who was her father. […]