Posts Tagged health sciences

Two health sciences majors now lead USF student government

| Academic & Student Affairs, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Accolades, Students, Undergraduate Programs

Cesar Esmeraldi and Elizabeth Volmy, USF College of Public Health (COPH) health sciences majors in their senior year, were recently elected to lead the USF student government. Esmeraldi is student body president while Volmy serves as student body vice president. The duo, who won in a runoff election last spring, […]

From football star to South Florida foodie: How a health sciences major shaped one alum’s journey

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If sports didn’t work out, Kayvon Webster, a former USF cornerback who helped lead the Denver Broncos to a Super Bowl championship in 2015, thought he might make a career in medicine. “I really wanted to be a medical examiner,” said Webster, who also ran track for USF. “But I […]

The COPH graduates 629 public health heroes

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“You leave us at the most tumultuous time in the past 100 years. Your educational journey was like no other. Almost two years ago we all pivoted almost overnight to fully remote learning. We asked you to help us, and you did. You modeled good behavior, followed all the rules […]

Nearly 40 percent of high schoolers have had sex, yet STI knowledge is low

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, COPH Office of Research, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Research, Undergraduate Programs

April is STI Awareness Month According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 38 percent of high school students surveyed in 2019 have had sexual intercourse, and half of the 20 million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) reported each year occur in those age 15-24.  Yet, despite the […]

Alumna drives home occupational safety

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Health and Safety, Masters Programs, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Students, Undergraduate Programs

Originally from Orlando, Fla., USF College of Public Health (COPH) alumna Samantha Thacker moved to Tampa, Fla., to pursue her dual undergraduate degrees in public health and health sciences in 2012. “I was interested in public health after I heard how it focuses on health prevention rather than fixing health […]

Surgical residents typically train on pig skin. Is there a better material?

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Eleanor Tung-Hahn, now a USF College of Public Health (COPH) health sciences student, was a volunteer research assistant at Loyola University in Chicago when she was tasked by her mentors in the school’s dermatology department to help find an alternative to porcine (pig) skin for surgical training. “Trainees often complained […]

COPH welcomes 416 graduates to the field of public health

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Doctoral Programs, Featured News, Masters Programs, Monday Letter, Online Programs, Our Alumni, Our People, Students, Take Note!, Undergraduate Programs

“This group of students have persevered under unprecedented circumstances. Their worlds were flipped upside down and they have hung in there, learning in new ways since March of 2020. Many of these graduates were working while they attended school and continue to do so on the front lines of the […]

Six COPH undergrads invited to join Phi Beta Kappa

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Accolades, Students, Undergraduate Programs

Phi Beta Kappa (PBK), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society for the liberal arts and sciences, recently invited six USF College of Public Health (COPH) students to become members.  Only 10 percent of American colleges and universities have a Phi Beta Kappa chapter. The USF chapter—now two years […]