Posts Tagged Department of Health and Human Services

From “Cosby Show” watcher to HRSA chief: One alum’s journey

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Masters Programs, Maternal and Child Health, Monday Letter, Our Alumni

Candace Webb, a USF College of Public Health (COPH) graduate, drew inspiration from the ‘80s sitcom “The Cosby Show.”  “I was really impacted by seeing representation of two black professional parents on TV. I always wanted to go into medicine and was always really interested in science and human biology.”  […]

COPH grad builds diverse skill set working with federal government

| Academic & Student Affairs, COPH Home Page Feed, Featured News, Masters Programs, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Our People, Students

Leandra Olson got her first real introduction to public health when she was a junior in college at the University of Minnesota, taking part in an internship with the Minnesota Vikings Children’s Fund that focused on childhood obesity. “A mentor at the time noticed that I seemed to have more […]

Candace Webb honored with 2018 Outstanding Alumni Award

| Academic & Student Affairs, CFH, COPH Home Page Feed, Departments, Featured News, Monday Letter, Our Alumni, Students

Each year the USF College of Public Health joins the country in celebrating National Public Health Week, held this year April 2-8. One of the highlights of the USF COPH observance is the presentation of the COPH Outstanding Alumni Awards, given to alumni who demonstrate—as judged by their former professors […]