Posts Tagged Department of Environmental and Occupational Health

No salt, please

| EOH, Monday Letter, Our People

To salt or not to salt (your bath) is the question that Kenneth Ferslew, PhD, DABFT addressed in his presentation titled, “Bath Salts, Not for Human Consumption (or bathing either!).”  He visited the college as a guest of the toxicology program and was the featured speaker for the Dean’s Lecture […]

USF SafetyFlorida trains South Florida administrators

| EOH, Monday Letter, Our People

South Florida administrators and safety directors from the nursing home and residential care industry attended an occupational safety and health seminar hosted by USF SafetyFlorida.  Held on March 21 in Tamarac, the session addressed ergonomic safety and recordkeeping, as well as hazard communication. The workshop was one of four events throughout the state in response to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) National Emphasis Program.  This initiative targets high injury and illness rates affecting the nursing home and residential care industry. The University of South Florida College of Public […]

Dr. Daniel Mendoza Lebrun reports on the implications of uncertainty on regional CO2 mitigation policies

| EOH, Monday Letter, Our Research

Daniel Mendoza Lebrun, PhD, and colleagues recently published an article titled “Implications of uncertainty on regional CO2 mitigation policies for the U.S. onroad sector based on high-resolution emissions estimate.” Dr. Mendoza Lebrun is a post-doctoral fellow with the USF College of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. * * […]

Toxicology researchers present at USF Health Research Day

| EOH, Monday Letter, Online Programs, Our Research, Students

Toxicology researchers Ushang P. Desai, Robin DeHate, PhD, Giffe T. Johnson, PhD, and Raymond D. Harbison, PhD, presented a poster entitled “Managing Public Health Risks Using Air Monitoring at a Former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site” at USF Health Research Day. The event was held on February 22 in Tampa. The researchers established an air monitoring plan for a former gasification plant site in Sanford, FL. This location was designated as a superfund site by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The team’s goal was twofold: (1) monitor emission from former […]