Public health reached new heights in 2012

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Last October, Donna J. Petersen, ScD, dean of the University of South Florida College of Public Health, announced the state of the college is robust. In her annual address, she highlighted successes from the 2011-2012 academic year, reported on the college’s ten-year strategic plan, and launched the college’s new brand.

With selfless dedication, we promise to use our transformational research and interdisciplinary
approach to passionately solve problems and create conditions that allow every person the universal right to health and well-being.

—USF COPH Brand Promise

By all accounts, 2012 was a memorable one for the college. Some of the top stories that shaped the year include:

$1.7 million NIH grant to Public Health will build research skills while helping adolescents

Brittany Marshall is APHA’s 2012 Outstanding Student of the Year

Donna Arnett is first epidemiologist to lead AHA

Dr. William Sappenfield earns March of Dimes’ highest volunteer award

Dr. Adewale Troutman becomes president of nation’s largest public health organization

Dr. Petersen shares preliminary results of The Villages community health survey

Florida ectopic pregnancy deaths spike, counter to national decline

Jordan Markel delivers medical supplies to needy countries

Kim Barnhill named Outstanding Woman in Public Health 2012

Lauren Zapata earns Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

MHA Program Accredited by CAHME

Online Mentor Program earns Association of Schools of Public Health Best Practice Award

Online public health education growing in popularity in U.S.: South Florida leads the way

Public health dean launches college’s new brand at annual address

Public Health earns Chapter of the Year and Chapter Service awards from Delta Omega

Public Health graduates more than 100 new practitioners

Public Health students make research a priority

Public Health’s Class of 2012 makes history

Record high admissions, new faces, and a general—Oh my!

Sleep apnea in obese pregnant women linked to poor maternal and neonatal outcomes

Snakes in wild harbor deadly mosquito-borne EEEV virus through winter hibernation

Study finds gene that predicts happiness in women

Tai Chi increases brain size and benefits cognition in randomized controlled trial of Chinese elderly

USF malaria research showcased on Capitol Hill

USF OSHA Training Institute Education Center ranked #3 in nation and #1 in region

Written by Natalie D. Preston, USF College of Public Health. Photo by Eric Younghans