Join the Movement, it’s National Public Health Week

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The College of Public Health is part of a national effort to create the healthiest nation in one generation. USF Bulls and members of the local community are invited to join the movement and get involved today!

In 1995, the American Public Health Association declared the first week of April as National Public Health Week. This year’s observance falls on April 2-8. Of course, USF is bullish! The COPH is offering so many activities that NPHW kicks off on March 27.

In keeping with the national theme, the 2018 festivities are structured around “Changing Our Future Together” to become the healthiest nation. According to, “We’re celebrating the power of prevention, advocating for healthy and fair policies, sharing strategies for successful partnerships and championing the role of a strong public health system.” Check out the college’s offerings, bring a friend along and join the movement. There’s something for everyone!

Integrating Cultural Competency and Diversity in Health, March 27
This inter-professional lunch and learn seminar is co-sponsored by the Public Health Student Association and The WELL.

Give Life and Save Lives, April 3
Make a positive difference in someone’s life by donating blood and registering for the National Marrow Donor Program and Donate Florida. More info here.

Peace Corps Info Session, April 4
Learn about USF’s Peace Corps Prep Program, designed to prepare students for international development fieldwork and potential Peace Corps service.

Public Health Awards Ceremony, April 4
Celebrating the next generation of public health practitioners and embracing foot soldiers who make huge strides in advancing the public’s health is what the National Public Health Awards Ceremony is all about. The event features awards for student research, Excellence in Teaching, Florida Outstanding Woman in Public Health, and Outstanding Alumni; plus, recognizes Delta Omega inductees and academic scholarship recipients.

This is Public Health!, April 4
Not sure what public health is all about? Well, make plans now to attend the USF Bull Market. Get the 411 from current students, speak with academic recruiters and learn how the COPH is making life better in Tampa Bay and around the world.

Healthy Bites, April 4 and 5
This month’s brown bag series features the 2018 Outstanding Alumni Award winners. Attendees should bring lunch and a drink. The awardees will provide stimulating conversation!

Design + Health, April 5
On World Health Day, join experts from the field to explore how addressing health disparities needs to be done across sectors including urban planning, transportation, food and agriculture, public health, and education in an effort to minimize the burden of disease

Achieving Health Equity, April 6
The Annual Chiles Lecture and Symposium features Dr. Paula Braveman addressing “To achieve health equity, we must go (even farther) upstream,” as well as research presenations.

We are Family, April 7
COPH faculty, staff, students and their family members are invited to a fun afternoon of food, games and fellowship. It’s a potluck. Sign-up here.

Be sure to view the full schedule of National Public Health Week events that includes a student organization expo, service opportunities, book drive, and a host of other activities.

Story by Natalie D. Preston, USF College of Public Health