Dr. Anthony Masys co-edits book on global health security

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 H1N1. H5N1. Ebola. Zika.

Outbreaks of these infections demonstrate that the world’s global health security, is, at best, fragile.

To help public health students and leaders prepare for and respond to global health security issues, Dr. Anthony Masys, a USF College of Public Health associate professor and director of  global disaster management, humanitarian assistance and homeland security, has co-edited the upcoming book, “Global Health Security: Recognizing Vulnerabilities, Creating Opportunities.”

“Global health security is a well-known topic,” Masys said. “But this book will look at some topics not being addressed while consolidating information we already have.” According to Masys, reducing global threats posed by infectious-disease outbreaks, whether they’re caused naturally or by accidental or deliberate release, requires efforts that involve mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

Anthony Masys, PhD. (Photo courtesy of Masys)

Topics to be covered in the book include emerging infectious diseases, biosecurity, food safety, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, climate change, public health intelligence and natural disasters, among others.

“The book will be comprised of four sections,” Masys explained. “The first will be emerging threats—things like food security and infectious diseases that transcend borders. The next section will look at mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. We’ll examine how we identify and handle emergencies.  In the third section, we’ll discuss how simulation and modeling can help us find solutions. Lastly, we’ll delve into leadership and partnerships.”

Masys called on his COPH colleagues and students to contribute to the book.

Two COPH global health professors, Dr. Ricardo Izurieta, an expert in tropical and infectious disease, and Dr. Miguel Reina, who specializes in global communicable diseases, are co-editors with Masys.

Dr. Benjamin Jacob, a COPH research assistant professor, wrote a chapter on technology and innovation, while Dr. Marissa Levine, a practice pathways professor and former Virginia state health commissioner, gave insight into how effective leadership can help control pandemics. Several graduate students also contributed.

The book, to be published by Springer, is expected to be available in the spring.

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Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health