Displaying the OSHA Category

Sunshine ERC provides students cross-discipline collaboration

| Academic & Student Affairs, Centers and Institutes, COPH Office of Research, Featured News, Monday Letter, OSHA, Our People, Our Research

First published on May 8, 2020 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration. The Sunshine Education and Research Center (Sunshine ERC) located in the USF College of Public Health is one of 18 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) education and research centers across the nation that […]

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

Hazard identification and assessment within the workplace are critical elements of an effective safety and health program. Luis Silva, our USF SafetyFlorida contributor for October, provides insight into the proper storage of oxygen cylinders, as pictured in the above photo. What is wrong with this picture? An oxygen cylinder is stored immediately next to a fuel-gas cylinder in the welding area.  There is one more problem.  Can you identify it? Applicable OSHA regulation 1910.253(b)(4)(iii) Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials (especially oil or […]

Safety Culture: The Key to a Safe and Secure Workplace

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

Many of us have been appointed to manage programs and teams. We have enough experience to know when our key performance indicators are lagging and adjustments are needed to meet the quarter, year, or function goal. Yes, we are managers, but are we leaders in our organization? What is the difference, and why is it paramount? Why is this important in safety culture? The answers to these questions may come from self-assessment and self-reflection. Knowing there is a difference between a leader and a manager is essential. While there are […]

Education, Training, and Continuous Improvement Elements of Safety & Health Management System (SHMS): Part 4 of 4

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

In the previous three (3) parts of this series, we covered Management Leadership, Worker Participation, Hazard Identification and Assessment, and Hazard Prevention and Control. Today we’ll address Education, Training, and Continuous Improvement elements.  Education and Training aim to ensure that all workers receive appropriate and effective training in a language and literacy level they understand to do their work safely before performing assigned tasks, changes in assigned tasks, and changes in the workplace. While the appropriateness of the training refers to how well it covers the potential hazards in the […]

Protect workers from indoor and outdoor heat

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

What first comes to your mind when thinking about occupational heat hazards? Many will think about outdoor work in the summertime. The 2023 summer season has greeted us with extreme heat advisories, watches, and warnings. By late June, more than a third, or 36% of the U.S. population, was covered by one of these heat alerts on a single day! You don’t need to wait until June or be outside to consider heat when developing your job hazard analysis (JHA).  OSHA fatality reports from 2017 to 2022 show 118 heat-related […]

Electrical Hazards

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

William Tomlin, our USF SafetyFlorida contributor for July, provides insight on improving safety errors such as the one pictured in this photo. Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture? Keep reading to find out more. Hazard:                    An electrical power source […]

The Hazard Identification, Prevention and Control aspect of the Safety & Health Management System: Part 3 of 4

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

Dear Reader, This element of the Management System focuses on developing a current and complete inventory of the safety and health hazards at the workplace, sometimes referred to as a comprehensive baseline hazard assessment.  It includes assessing how the hazards are controlled and worker exposure to them. The inventory serves as the basis for priority setting (i.e., policy, goals, and objectives). It requires the expertise of an internal or external qualified individual to conduct the baseline hazard assessment.  Another aspect of hazard identification includes effective safety and health daily, weekly, or monthly inspections […]

Mental Health in Society and the Workplace

| OSHA, USF Safety Florida

Mental health is constantly in the news of late and is considered a major social problem. It can be associated with dangerous behavior and seen as threatening to society and the social order, especially in the media. However, there are widespread misunderstandings about mental illness, and many remain unaware that their symptoms could be connected to a mental health condition and therefore don’t seek treatment. Since an individual with a mental disorder does not look visibly different from others, the issue is dismissed frequently or minimized, adding to the challenges […]