Our Conferences – College of Public Health News https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news News for the University of South Florida College of Public Health Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:59:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.2 Doctoral student Stacey Griner awarded Doug Kirby Adolescent Sexual Health Grant https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/doctoral-student-stacey-griner-awarded-doug-kirby-adolescent-sexual-health-grant/ Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:21:53 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=26980 USF College of Public Health doctoral student Stacey Griner has received a $1,000 grant to support her dissertation research efforts. The endowed Doug Kirby Adolescent Sexual Health Research Grant from the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP), Indiana University School of Public Health – Bloomington is provided to support doctoral […]

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USF College of Public Health doctoral student Stacey Griner has received a $1,000 grant to support her dissertation research efforts.

The endowed Doug Kirby Adolescent Sexual Health Research Grant from the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP), Indiana University School of Public Health – Bloomington is provided to support doctoral student research.

Griner, who is currently working toward her PhD in community and family health, said she plans to use it to expand upon her current dissertation work related to the sexual health of adolescents and young adults.

Doctoral student Stacey Griner, MPH. (Photo by Anna Mayor)

“It is truly an honor to receive this award,” she said. “Dr. Douglas Kirby was a leader in the field, and I hope to contribute to public health and sexuality research in the way he did.”

Griner’s dissertation focuses on the factors influencing the use of self-collected samples as a method of sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening among college women.

“Enabling college women to screen themselves at home could reduce barriers and promote sexual and reproductive health among this population, who are disproportionally burdened by STIs,” Griner said. “The award provides funding for me to conduct interviews with college women and understand their needs and perspectives.”

The RCAP established the grant to honor Dr. Douglas Kirby, an internationally renowned authority on adolescent sexual health through his research on the impact of school and community-based programs designed to reduce sexual risk behavior among youth.

Griner said the grant was something she’s always had her eye on, but had to wait until she was in her dissertation phase of her coursework, so she had the reminder set on her calendar.

“I applied because Dr. Douglas Kirby’s work on the effectiveness of programs to reduce unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections has influenced my own research a great deal,” Griner said.

Griner’s public health passion of focusing on the “bigger picture” of sexual health and looking at the social determinants, in addition to individual factors, has been apparent throughout her academic career research endeavors.

She’s previously researched school- and college-based approaches to sexual health, stakeholder support for sexuality education in schools, college-level factors impacting the use of condoms, and violence experienced among gender minority college students–just to name a few.

Now, she’s focusing her research on risky sexual behaviors and the associated reproductive health outcomes among college students.

“Currently, my dissertation work examines the influence of social norms and environmental factors on the use of self-collected sampling methods for STI screening, and I am also interested in the college setting and campus culture as potential factors that influence health,” she said.

Griner, who earned her MPH from the University of Florida in 2014 and who also holds a graduate certificate in Women and Gender Studies from USF, is set to graduate in May 2019.

She said she aspires to become a leader in sexually transmitted infection prevention, conducting research at a large, student-focused university, and utilizing community-based approaches to address disparities in sexual health.

“It is truly an honor to receive this award,” she said.

Story by Anna Mayor, USF College of Public Health

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Fifth annual Florida Perinatal Quality Conference is best yet https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/fifth-annual-florida-perinatal-quality-conference-is-best-yet/ Fri, 10 Jun 2016 13:04:27 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=23445 The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC), based in the Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies at the USF College of Public Health, presented its fifth annual conference on April 7-8, in Tampa, Fla., attracting more than 230 attendees from all over the state from a variety […]

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The Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC), based in the Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies at the USF College of Public Health, presented its fifth annual conference on April 7-8, in Tampa, Fla., attracting more than 230 attendees from all over the state from a variety of disciplines.

This two-day educational program is an opportunity for perinatal health professionals and stakeholders to share information on the planning and implementation of quality improvement initiatives and learn about evidence-based practices at the institutional, community, state and national levels.

Panel moderator: Dr. Maya Balakrishnan, Panelists: Nancy Travis, Adolfo Gonzalez-Garcia, Mitchell Stern, Jayne Solomon. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Panel moderator: Dr. Maya Balakrishnan, Panelists: Nancy Travis, Adolfo Gonzalez-Garcia, Mitchell Stern, Jayne Solomon. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

FPQC Director Dr. William Sappenfield, opened the annual meeting with a State of the Collaborative address, bringing stakeholders and attendees up-to-date on statewide collaborative efforts to improve healthcare quality for mothers and infants.

Sappenfield also honored Dr. John Curran, FPQC founding director, announcing the John Curran Award. Starting next year, this brand new recognition will be awarded to the hospital that makes the most improvement with an FPQC quality improvement initiative.

Dr. Maya Balakrishnan, neonatologist and assistant professor at the USF Morsani College of Medicine, led a discussion with a panel of maternal and neonatal healthcare physicians and nurses on how to promote a hospital quality improvement culture.

Panelists shared how they’ve engaged their department, tips for achieving the quality improvement, and ways they’ve celebrated successes at their hospital. Audience members had the opportunity to share their challenges and request ideas for use in their own facility.

Dr. David Lagrew Jr., member of the executive committee of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC), discussed national and regional efforts to reduce primary cesarean sections.

Lagrew promoted the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) patient safety bundle on Safe Reduction of Primary Cesarean Births and announced the coming of a CMQCC toolkit on promoting vaginal birth.

 Panel Moderator: Judette Louis, Panelists:  Mark Bloom, Martha DeCastro, Jeffrey Angel, Karen Harris. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Panel Moderator: Judette Louis, Panelists: Mark Bloom, Martha DeCastro, Jeffrey Angel, Karen Harris. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Presenting clinical pearls related to hypertension in pregnancy, Julie Vasher, clinical implementation lead for the CMQCC and the California Partnership for Maternal Safety, offered a valuable nursing prospective.
Director of the Preeclampsia Foundation, a national patient advocacy organization, Eleni Tsigas, led an important, moving discussion with a parent to share the patient perspective of maternal and neonatal health care in perinatal crises.

A panel session on the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ (ACOG) new Maternal Levels of Care prompted a great deal of discussion among participants.

The panelists and audience explored ways in which these designations could be useful, reasons why hospitals may or may not want to self-designate, asked questions about what the levels mean, and explored what impact the levels of care may have on the system.

Dr. Munish Gupta. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Dr. Munish Gupta. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

New at this year’s conference was a session focused entirely on using quality improvement data measurement, namely run charts and control charts, in hospital quality improvement efforts.

Dr. Munish Gupta, chair of the Neonatal Quality Improvement Collaborative of Massachusetts (NeoQIC), used examples from his collaborative’s human milk project and kept this session entertaining for attendees despite its complexity.

Attendees participated in a number of break-out sessions that provided the opportunity for sharing experiences, discussion and exploration of new areas of perinatal quality improvement:

  • Dr. Maureen Groer presented on Milk and the Gut Microbiome with an emphasis on very low birth weight infants;
  • Dr. Julie DeCesare, Lisa Gardner, and Dr. Donald Wilson presented on their current efforts to address high primary cesarean rates in Florida;
  • Dr. Karen Bruder presented on the Antenatal Corticosteroid Treatment project;
  • The FPQC team presented on the new Perinatal Quality Indicators system;
  • Dr. Ivonne Hernandez presented on the new FPQC infant health project focusing on mother’s own milk in the NICU;
  • Dr. Judette Louis led an interactive session on the Hypertension in Pregnancy Initiative;
  • Annette Phelps moderated a panel of Obstetric Hemorrhage Initiative hospitals.

Both sessions provided an opportunity for participating and non-participating hospitals to collaborate on maternal health projects.

Attendees had the opportunity to network following sessions. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Attendees had the opportunity to network following sessions. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

Participants reported that they learned a lot from the techniques and successes of others, and that “knowledge, energy and enthusiasm are contagious.”

Several opportunities for networking were provided, which participants appreciated and found valuable.

The symposium also allowed attendees to listen to some of the latest research during the poster session. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

The symposium also allowed attendees to listen to some of the latest research during the poster session. (Photo courtesy of Emily Bronson)

This year’s poster session, in which hospitals and organizations shared their obstetric and neonatal quality improvement initiatives and research, included awards for best poster.

The Grand Prize winner was “Assessing Preventability of Maternal Deaths in Florida in 2013” from authors Leticia Hernandez, Rhonda Brown, and Ashlee Morgan from the Florida Department of Health.

Honorable Mentions included:

  • “Retrospective Analysis of NTSV Cesarean Delivery Rate with a Feedback and Monitoring Program at Sacred Heart Health System” by Reesa Child, Julie DeCesare, Ashley Morton, Lisa Gardner, and Laura Ambler;
  • “Hospital Differences in Unexpected Complications Among Term Newborns” by Yuri Sebastiao, Lindsay Womack, Humberto Lopez-Castillo, Maya Balakrishnan, Karen Bruder, Paige Alitz, and FPQC staff;
  • and “Enhancing Outcomes with Donor Milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” by Jessa Canals-Alonso, Marcia Shultz, and Karen Howell.

Several participants expressed that this conference is one they look forward to every year, and that this was the best FPQC annual meeting yet. Those new to the conference found the meeting very informative and pertinent to many hospitals settings.

Story by Emily Bronson, Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative

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Distinguished global panel captivates students, faculty, staff and community guests https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/distinguished-global-panel-captivates-students-faculty-staff-community-guests/ Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:00:13 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=19270 The USF College of Public Health hosted a global panel discussion on Jan. 27 as part of a weeklong international endeavor associated with the College’s 30th anniversary celebration. Four public health leaders came to COPH from various parts of the world for the event, the highlight of which was the […]

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The USF College of Public Health hosted a global panel discussion on Jan. 27 as part of a weeklong international endeavor associated with the College’s 30th anniversary celebration. Four public health leaders came to COPH from various parts of the world for the event, the highlight of which was the panel discussion, Healthy populations in the 21st century: international trends, in the Sam Bell III Auditorium.

Dr. Donna Petersen, COPH dean, delivered the opening remarks and extended a welcome to the esteemed guests.


Dr. Donna Petersen (left), College of Public Health dean, extended the college’s welcome to panelists and guests. To her right in photo are Emmanuel Ofumbi of Uganda, Dr. Boo Kwa of COPH and Dr. Nestor Sosa of Panama.

“When we look back over our 30 years,” Petersen said, “one of the things we are proudest of is our unflagging attempts to continue to reach across the globe, to make friends and create partnerships, to provide our students opportunities to learn and to grow professionally in communities around the globe, and to make sure our students understand that public health is global health.

“Public health is also community health, and we can’t be successful if we don’t engage the communities in that global spirit. We have placed students in many, many countries over the years all across the world, but in recent years, we have been very grateful to four particular partners. We are delighted to welcome them here today.”

Those four international guests were Emmanuel Ofumbi, executive director of the Papoli Community Development Foundation, Uganda; Dr. Fernando Ortega, dean of the School of Public Health at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador; Dr. Safii Razitasham, head of the community and public health unit at UNIMAS in Malaysia; and Dr. Nestor Sosa, director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute in Panama.

After setting the tone, Petersen turned the program over to its moderator and chief organizer, Dr. Boo Kwa, professor in the Department of Global Health and associate dean, Office of International Programs.

Kwa thanked the dean and acknowledged her “enthusiasm, energy and continuing support” for making the program possible. After recognizing the college’s “benefactors and champions,” former state Rep. Sam Bell III and his wife, former USF president and former state education commissioner Betty Castor, Kwa introduced the panel and opened the discussion by asking each panel member a question specifically related to a major public health trend in his or her country.


Chatting before the panel presentation, from left: Sosa, Kwa and Betty Castor, former Florida education commissioner and former USF president.

Ofumbi discussed Uganda’s war against malaria and the mosquitoes that carry it, and the effect of the disease disabling family wage earners in a poor country.

Sosa noted Panama’s position between North and South America and its resultant heavy international traffic via airlines, as well as cruise ships and international freight passing through the Panama Canal, all posing the threat of diseases introduced by people briefly passing through.

Ortega talked about the recent crash in oil prices threatening funding for public health education and planned projects such as installing safe drinking water systems for rural populations in the Andes. Ecuador is a major producer of oil, a major factor in its national economy.

Razitasham discussed Malaysia’s reduction of infectious diseases at the same time it is seeing an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases.


Discussing the state of the public health world, from left: Ofumbi, Sosa, Kwa, Dr. Fernando Ortega of Ecuador, and Dr. Safii Razitasham of Malaysia.

After a more general discussion about the Ebola outbreak and each panelist’s country’s response to it, the floor was opened to questions from the audience. A lively reception followed in the COPH lobby before the rest of the afternoon was dedicated to breakout sessions anchored by the individual panelists.

Rep. Bell was all smiles at the reception and expressed his appreciation for the program and what it meant in the bigger picture.

“This was just a wonderful example of what the College of Public Health is all about,” he said. “We had representatives from Malaysia, from Ecuador, from Panama and from Uganda talking about public health, and in all of those cases, students from here have gone to these countries through our programs. So, this truly is the essence of the College of Public Health. It’s just wonderful, and we’re just so proud of it.”

Healthy Populations (142)

Some of the many distinguished guests at the global symposium and panel discussion Healthy Populations in the 21st Century: International Trends.

Healthy Populations (145)

Graduate student Ryan Ortega (left in photo) and fellow COPH student researchers presented one of several posters in the lobby. Second from right is Ortega’s advisor, Dr. Robert Novak.

Healthy Populations (159)

Before and after the panel presentation, guests and participants visited the numerous displays set up in the COPH lobby. Here, Ortega says hello to representatives of the USF Peace Corps program.

Related media:
Event photo gallery on Facebook

Story by David Brothers, College of Public Health.  Photos courtesy of Natalie D. Preston and Marissa Williams.

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An early start to National Public Health Week begins with thanking community partners [multimedia] https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/an-early-start-to-national-public-health-week-begins-with-thanking-community-partners-multimedia/ Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:00:09 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=21328 “Our strategic plan is your strategic plan,” said Dr. Donna Petersen, dean of the USF College of Public Health, as she expressed gratitude toward an audience of almost 150 familiar colleagues during the 30th Anniversary Community Partner Celebration on March 27. More than three dozen local, state, national and international organizations […]

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“Our strategic plan is your strategic plan,” said Dr. Donna Petersen, dean of the USF College of Public Health, as she expressed gratitude toward an audience of almost 150 familiar colleagues during the 30th Anniversary Community Partner Celebration on March 27.

More than three dozen local, state, national and international organizations attended out of 70 nominated by COPH faculty and staff.  Dr. Petersen has been working on ways to help solve public health problems we face today, in days past and in years to come.  Instead of publishing a report, which has finality, she invited her audience to visit the online forum to keep the conversation going.

Dr. Donna Petersen, dean of the USF College of Public Health addresses an audience of health professional who’ve collaborated with USF COPH as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations to honor community partnerships.

Dr. Donna Petersen, dean of the USF College of Public Health addresses an audience of health professional who’ve collaborated with USF COPH as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations to honor community partnerships.


Dr. Charles Mahan, dean emeritus of USF College of Public Health, recalled earlier times, when students and faculty didn’t go out to communities.

“Things have really changed,” he said, noting one of the first goals attained was offering the master’s of public health to those already working in the field via satellite, an early version of online courses.

Community partnerships ranging in fields of cancer, senior health, behavioral health, diabetes, and many more, have been a main gateway into gaining knowledge about community health, and have been instrumental in helping place students, as well as participate in research projects for field advancement.

From left: Nancy Natilson and Barbara Zdravecky of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida with Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center pioneers Dee Jeffers and Charles Mahan.

From left: Nancy Natilson and Barbara Zdravecky of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida with Lawton and Rhea Chiles Center pioneers Dee Jeffers and Charles Mahan.


“Nothing happens in public health without our partners,” said Dee Jeffers, RN, MPH, who has been working in communities for many years. Through public health initiatives, the average lifespan of individuals has increased by 25 years. Among the main factors making this possible are partnerships working in 10 areas: immunizations, work-place safety, motor vehicle safety, control of infectious diseases, heart disease, safer and healthier food, healthier mothers and babies, family planning, fluoridation of drinking water, and tobacco as a health hazard. As this list was read out, members of the audience applauded or raised their hand to acknowledge the work their organization does in the area.

The celebration continued with a projected presentation acknowledging organizations who worked with USF COPH throughout the past three decades. COPH has established their ongoing relationships worldwide, from Florida, Nicaragua to Uganda and also Malaysia. Click here to see a commemoration to those partners. 

Manuel Fermin from Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade joined in the USF College of Public Health partnership celebration. Mr Fermin describes an important initiative to change the standard pregnancy term from 36 weeks to a full 39 weeks when the most significant brain developments occur.

Manuel Fermin from Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade joined in the USF College of Public Health partnership celebration. Mr Fermin describes an important initiative to change the standard pregnancy term from 36 weeks to a full 39 weeks when the most significant brain developments occur.


Read the full blog on National Public Health Week at USF Health News



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Thank you, gracias and merci beaucoup x 59,000! https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/thank-gracias-merci-beaucoup-x-59000/ Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:00:02 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=18876 In recognition of the USF College of Public Health’s 30th anniversary and Giving Tuesday, members of the college community were invited to participate in a challenge match. A generous group of Bulls donated $40,000 toward COPH student scholarships. Any gifts made in support of the challenge match and Giving Tuesday, […]

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In recognition of the USF College of Public Health’s 30th anniversary and Giving Tuesday, members of the college community were invited to participate in a challenge match. A generous group of Bulls donated $40,000 toward COPH student scholarships. Any gifts made in support of the challenge match and Giving Tuesday, would be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $40,000.

Well, the reports are in, and another group of generous Bulls has stepped up to the plate. Big-time!

“The COPH raised just under $60,000 in new gifts and pledges in support of the challenge match opportunity and Giving Tuesday initiative!” said Kara Steiner, USF Health associate director of development. “It’s a wonderful gift for the COPH to offer current and prospective students support via academic scholarships.”

thank you

“Without question, we could not have reached this giving level without the unwavering support of our alumni, students, faculty, staff, donors and friends,” said Natalie D. Preston, COPH director of communication and alumni relations.

Although Giving Tuesday is over, time still remains to help the COPH celebrate 30 years of educating, mentoring and training the next generation of public health practitioners.

To make a year-end gift to the USF College of Public Health, simply visit https://usffdn.usf.edu/apps/dm and enter the personal access code PHD3015.

Again, thank you for sharing our practice, our passion in the College of Public Health. With your support, public health students contribute to healthier and safer populations, and our college has a continued impact on the future of public health—for our community and our world.

In fact, thank you 59,000 times, and “Go Bulls!”

Dean Donna Petersen and public health students strike a bullish pose.

Dean Donna Petersen and public health students strike a bullish pose.

Note that USF is closed from December 24-January 1 for the winter break. This includes most administrative and academic offices, including the COPH. However, a member of the Office of Donor Relations is available during the university closure to assist with any year-end gifts and related questions. Contact donorrelations@usf.edu or (813) 974-2035 and a staff member will follow up.


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#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: Community Partnerships https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/usfcophrocks-30th-anniversary-tour-stop-homecoming/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:43:12 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=17402 The #usfcophrocks tour is paying tribute to fellow advocates committed to advancing the public’s health. In doing so, the COPH recognizes that strong community partners are a key reason why the college is well known as a force of social responsibility, an agent of collaboration and a source of hope. […]

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The #usfcophrocks tour is paying tribute to fellow advocates committed to advancing the public’s health. In doing so, the COPH recognizes that strong community partners are a key reason why the college is well known as a force of social responsibility, an agent of collaboration and a source of hope.

Friday, March 27
Noon-2 p.m.
USF College of Public Health
Samuel P. Bell, III Auditorium
Tampa, Florida

Click here to RSVP in advance


This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration. To learn more about this event, contact Emily Bronson at ebronso1@health.usf.edu.

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#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: National Public Health Week https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/usfcophrocks-30th-anniversary-tour-stop-national-public-health-week/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:42:07 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=18956 The #usfcophrocks tour is pairing with APHA to celebrate National Public Health Week, April 6-12. The week includes numerous activities in support of the national theme, “Let’s make America the healthiest nation in one generation.” Community service events, a career networking fair, BBQ and an annual awards program honoring academic […]

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The #usfcophrocks tour is pairing with APHA to celebrate National Public Health Week, April 6-12.

The week includes numerous activities in support of the national theme, “Let’s make America the healthiest nation in one generation.” Community service events, a career networking fair, BBQ and an annual awards program honoring academic excellence and Florida’s Outstanding Woman in Public Health are just a few of the planned activities.

Join us.

NPHW 2015 Flyer_Page_1

National Public Health Week is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration. To learn more about this event or volunteer, contact Ellen Kent at ekent@health.usf.edu.

The post #usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: National Public Health Week appeared first on College of Public Health News.

#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: COPH BBQ https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/usfcophrocks-30th-anniversary-tour-stop-atlanta/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:42:04 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=18965 The #usfcophrocks tour is headed to Riverfront Park on April 11. Join USF College of Public Health faculty, students, and staff (families welcome) for a Bullish good time in recognition of the college’s 30th anniversary. Designated chefs will cook burgers and hot dogs one site. Everyone else is invited to sign-up […]

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The #usfcophrocks tour is headed to Riverfront Park on April 11. Join USF College of Public Health faculty, students, and staff (families welcome) for a Bullish good time in recognition of the college’s 30th anniversary.

Designated chefs will cook burgers and hot dogs one site. Everyone else is invited to sign-up to bring a side dish.  Non-refrigerated items may be dropped off at the COPH front desk by 3pm on Friday, April 10.


One of many family-oriented activities at the college's first annual BBQ

One of many family-oriented activities at the 2014 COPH BBQ


The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health is providing canoe rentals for the afternoon. There will be a DJ, volleyball tournament, and other fun family-friendly activities!

Free parking is available on the baseball field, however, carpooling is encouraged.

This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration. To learn more about this event, contact Dr. Kate Wolfe-Quintero at kwolfequ@health.usf.edu.


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#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: Deans Lecture Series https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/usfcophrocks-30th-anniversary-tour-stop-deans-lecture-series/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:41:52 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=18961 The #usfcophrocks tour is headed to the Dean’s Lecture Series for a conversation with COPH alumna Dr. Charlan D. Kroelinger. She improves the public’s health through her work with the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Assigned to the Field Support Branch in the Division of […]

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The #usfcophrocks tour is headed to the Dean’s Lecture Series for a conversation with COPH alumna Dr. Charlan D. Kroelinger. She improves the public’s health through her work with the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Assigned to the Field Support Branch in the Division of Reproductive Health, Kroelinger serves as the team leader for the MCH Epidemiology Program.

Friday, April 17
Noon-1 p.m.
USF College of Public Health
Samuel P. Bell, III Auditorium
Tampa, Florida

Join us.

Charlan Kroelinger DLS

This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration. To learn more about this event, contact Peggy Smith at msmith3@health.usf.edu.

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#usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: Inaugural Alumni Awards https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/usfcophrocks-30th-anniversary-tour-stop-usf/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:40:05 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=18969 The #usfcophrocks tour is taking over the Gibbons Alumni Center for an inaugural outstanding alumni awards ceremony. Join members of the USF College of Public Health community as we celebrate Bulls with significant impact in public health research, practice, and policy, as well as teaching, scholarship and mentorship of public […]

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The #usfcophrocks tour is taking over the Gibbons Alumni Center for an inaugural outstanding alumni awards ceremony.

Alumni Awards sold out

Join members of the USF College of Public Health community as we celebrate Bulls with significant impact in public health research, practice, and policy, as well as teaching, scholarship and mentorship of public health professionals. It is a tribute to those who have most advanced public health domestically or internationally and you don’t want to miss it!

Saturday, May 2
6 p.m. reception, 6:30 p.m. dinner and program
University of South Florida
Gibbons Alumni Center, Traditions Hall
4202 E. Fowler Avenue (Alumni Drive)
Tampa, Florida

Congratulations to the Class of 2015 awardees:

Abdel Alli, PhD, MPH
Angelia Sanders, MPH
Angelica Williams, MPH
Anthony Escobio, MPH
Arlene Calvo, PhD
Carol Ann Jenkins, MPH
Christine McGuire-Wolfe, PhD, MPH
Claudia Aguado Loi, PhD
Claudine Samanic, MSPH
Hanifa Denny, PhD
James Chastain, PhD
James McKnight, DrPH
Jan Gorrie, MPH
Kathy Gillette, MHA
Lauren Zapata, PhD
Ligia Cruz Espinoza, PhD
Martha Daviglus, MPH
Natalia Vargas, MPH
Phil Amuso, PhD
Rachel Nuzum, MPH
Richard Hartman, PhD
Roy Beck, PhD
Scott Dotson, PhD
Sherri Berger, MSPH
Stephen Cole, PhD
Tabia Akintobi, PhD
Winifred Holland, MPH
Xiomara Hewitt, MPH

Hotel accommodations:
Courtyard Marriott Tampa North, (813) 978-9898
$119 per night
Mention rate code USFO

This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration.  To learn more about this event, contact Natalie Preston at npreston@health.usf.edu

Related story:
College announces Outstanding Alumni Awards, opens call for nominations

This event is part of the USF College of Public Health’s yearlong 30th anniversary celebration.  To learn more about this event, contact Natalie Preston at npreston@health.usf.edu

The post #usfcophrocks 30th Anniversary Tour Stop: Inaugural Alumni Awards appeared first on College of Public Health News.
