Our Accolades – College of Public Health News https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news News for the University of South Florida College of Public Health Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:16:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.2 College of Public Health a pioneer of online learning https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/college-of-public-health-a-pioneer-of-online-learning/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=20509 First published on May 14, 2015 in observance of the COPH’s 30th anniversary celebration. Long before the deluge of online learning became a given of modern education replete with a glut of overnight “universities,” USF’s College of Public Health launched a distance-learning presence that was formidable before online classes even […]

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First published on May 14, 2015 in observance of the COPH’s 30th anniversary celebration.

Long before the deluge of online learning became a given of modern education replete with a glut of overnight “universities,” USF’s College of Public Health launched a distance-learning presence that was formidable before online classes even existed.

From 1990-93, 45 state health department employees in Tallahassee earned master of public health degrees from USF via the old-fashioned method of distance learning.  Every Tuesday, a COPH professor would journey to Tallahassee to teach a three-hour course that evening, said Dr. Charles Mahan, at that time state health officer, and later COPH dean.

Dr. Charles Mahan

Dr. Charles Mahan

“We gave them Tuesday afternoon off, and they gave up their evening,” Mahan explained.  “One professor would come up for a month and do the whole core segment of epidemiology and biostatistics, and then somebody else would come up and do the whole core of community and family health.

“When people in practice throughout the state at the health departments saw what we were doing up there, they came to the college and said, ‘Please, do that for our staff.’  That’s when we began the distance-learning program.”

Technology offered a more efficient means by 1994, when COPH began beaming public health courses via satellite to 33 host sites at state and local health departments across Florida.



Answering a mandate


“USF College of Public Health had a very good partnership with the Florida Department of Health,” recalled Sandhya Srinivasan, COPH director of educational technology and assessment, “and through this partnership, we were able to deliver public health education while utilizing health department meeting space and satellite equipment that was already part of the Florida Department of Health satellite network.  We were able to piggyback on that and beam our classes to busy health professionals.”

Dr. Sandhya Srinivasan

Sandhya Srinivasan, MPH, MEd

WUSF-TV had an uplink facility, Srinivasan explained, which enabled COPH to buy satellite time at the discounted educational rate.  The telecasts were cabled to the uplink facility in Clearwater, then beamed to the satellite from there.

As part of the founding of the college a decade earlier, USF and COPH had a legislative mandate to train public health employees statewide, Srinivasan said.  A needs assessment at the time signaled the need when it found that very few public health workers had had any formal public health training.

“They had come to public health through medicine or nursing or sociology, but they were not trained in public health,” she said, “and so the college had a huge challenge in front of it.”

Two evening courses were initiated to meet that challenge, she said.  Each met once a week for three hours, and each had an on-site technical point person should the satellite or any link in the technology fail.  Technical and material needs were communicated via phone or fax in those days before the advent of personal computers and e-mail.

Given those limitations, early growth was slow, but within a few years, the need for more courses and faster, easier means of delivery coincided well with the PC age.  In 2001, Srinivasan said, technical advances and growing interest in the program sparked its rapid expansion.

“We started incrementally,” she said, “moving our classes from satellite to a blended online-and-satellite format.”

The Department of Education weighed in with a $3-million grant for instruction in technology.  That IIT grant, as it was known (standing for Innovations in Technology and Training), enabled the college to hire instructional designers who brought in multi-media components that completed the transition from satellite-online hybrid to a fully online operation.


From online courses to online degrees


With all classes delivered entirely via Internet, geographic limitations were gone.  Anyone, anywhere could take courses on the World Wide Web, and host sites were things of the past.  It wouldn’t be long before the state’s first public health college conferred the state’s first fully online public health degrees.

According to figures supplied by David Hogeboom, statistical data analyst for COPH, the online degree program has conferred 383 MPH degrees in various concentrations since spring 2001.  The total represents more than one-fifth of all MPH degrees and more than one-eighth of all degrees awarded by COPH in that timeframe.  Srinivasan said nine students graduating on Dec. 13, 1998, from the Public Health Practice program were the first to earn their degrees via satellite.

COPH distance learning's first four graduates made headlines in 1998.

COPH distance learning’s first nine MPH graduates made headlines in 1998.

“Today, in addition to public health practice, we have five other master’s concentrations online and 11 online graduate certificates,” Srinivasan said.

Unlike other classrooms, the virtual variety requires technical design specifically geared to disseminating educational materials.  Accordingly, full-time instructional designers are a big part of the picture at COPH online.

“Our office consists of six full-time instructional designers and a graphics designer,” Srinivasan said.  “The designers are assigned to particular courses and work hand-in-hand with faculty in preparing course materials and assessments.  They are able to parse down a lesson to bare essentials and match the right technology that can deliver that content efficiently to the students.”

Srinivasan and her team

Today’s COPH online learning team.  Back row, from left: Thomas Reilly, James Taylor, Andres Abril, Carlos Montoya, Samantha Lopez.  Front row, from left: Ana Vizcaino, Jung Lim, Sandhya Srinivasan, Trudian Trail-Constant.

Srinivasan said one of the concerns the designers address is interaction.

“It is less than ideal to listen to a talking head for three hours, so we use different types of interactive technologies that enable and even encourage student interaction,” she said.

Much of that interaction involves typed responses, she said, but even that is rapidly changing.

“As part of Canvas, the learning management system at USF, we now have access to an interactive virtual tool called Blackboard Collaborate.  Students and instructor log in at a given time and date, and the tools within that virtual classroom allow for interaction.  Students and faculty are able to interact via audio, video and whiteboard tools to do everything they could do in a traditional classroom.”

Alison Oberne, MA, MPH, CPH, an instructor in the USF College of Public Health, narrates a lecture for an undergraduate public health course using the recording space in COPH used for recording content for the lectures and modules of most of the College’s online degree programs.

Alison Oberne, MA, MPH, CPH, an instructor in the USF College of Public Health, narrates a lecture for an undergraduate public health course using the recording space in COPH used for recording content for the lectures and modules of most of the college’s online degree programs.

It doesn’t take an instructional designer to appreciate the brightness of COPH’s online future.

When the college launched its online master’s program, Mahan said, deans at other colleges of public health told him it would never work.  In fact, he said, deans from the older schools of public health at revered institutions like Harvard and Johns Hopkins flat-out swore they would never do it.

“Now, of course, they all do it,” he said.  “Absolutely, we were the first to do it.  We were a couple of years ahead of everybody else in offering the full MPH by distance.”

“The tools from the beginning to now have undergone tremendous change,” Srinivasan said.  “We are committed to remaining on the cutting edge, so the future of our program will be wherever virtual classroom technology will allow us to go.”



Story by David Brothers, College of Public Health.

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COPH helped drive state’s bicycle helmet law https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/coph-helped-drive-states-bicycle-helmet-law/ Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:00:53 +0000 http://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=19994 First published on April 6, 2015 in observance of the COPH’s 30th anniversary celebration. Dr. Karen Liller has been a child and adolescent injury prevention researcher for a quarter of a century.  A professor in the USF College of Public Health’s Department of Community and Family Health and a member […]

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First published on April 6, 2015 in observance of the COPH’s 30th anniversary celebration.

Dr. Karen Liller has been a child and adolescent injury prevention researcher for a quarter of a century.  A professor in the USF College of Public Health’s Department of Community and Family Health and a member of the Florida Injury Prevention Advisory Group, she worked with a Tampa General program called More Health in the mid-1990s to help evaluate its health education programs.  One of those programs promoted bicycle helmets for children.

Dr. Karen Liller

Dr. Karen Liller

“I evaluated their program, and I started observational studies of children’s bicycle helmet use in Hillsborough County,” Liller said.  “I was monitoring this because, as part of the Injury Group, I knew this bill had been denied two times before.  We were all part of the advocacy efforts with Tallahassee between the state of Florida program, More Health and the college to get this passed.”

A natural proponent of requiring kids to wear helmets when they rode their bikes, Liller had her interest piqued.  From casual observation alone, she surmised that few were.  Determined to put scientifically collected numbers to the problem, she and a cadre of her graduate students set about the task of collecting data.

From low expectations to high hopes, then action

“I was focused on unintentional injuries in children,” she said.  “Nationally, this was a huge issue.  I had some colleagues at Harborview Injury Prevention Program in the state of  Washington, and they were some of the early leaders nationally in helmet use.  So I naturally got very, very interested and started looking, started conducting observational studies, because I didn’t know:  What is the helmet use rate? ThinkstockPhotos-78435715 “I developed and performed community observations,” she said.  “I would hire my grad assistants, and they would stand on corners doing observational surveys of kids in helmets.  We mapped out the whole county, and I had them on streets everywhere.  We had a whole protocol of where we wanted to be, because we wanted to capture observational surveys in many different places – in community sites, in schools, not near schools, etc., so we had a good idea of what was going on in Hillsborough County.”

As low as Liller’s expectations were, reality turned out to be even worse.

“I can tell you, it was pitifully low,” she said.  “For children under 16, it was about three percent.”

Liller set out on a concentrated campaign to get a helmet law passed.  It already had languished and died in two previous legislative sessions, and she was determined to make the third try count.

“I did many radio spots and TV spots and Good Morning Whomever promoting bicycle helmets as the law was working its way through the legislature,” she recalled.

“I wanted to get ahold of it,” she said, “because I knew this was a national issue, and I knew states were starting to pass laws.  Florida is a tough state to get a law passed for children’s injury prevention.  In fact, we just got the booster seat law done.  We were one of the last states to do that.  I knew it was going to be a battle.  So, I knew I’d better get started early.” bikeBannerLiller learned through focus groups that legislators weren’t the only people she needed to convince.  Some parents didn’t want a law telling them to put helmets on their kids’ heads.  After all, bicycle shops already were selling more helmets.  McDonald’s was giving out helmet discount coupons and safe rider certificates.  Why should there be a legal mandate?

“My answer to them was, ‘Do you have a driver’s license?  Yes?  Well, the government told you to do that.’

“It always surprised me when parents would argue with me on this issue.  The famous one for me was, ‘I rode a bike all the time when I was a kid, and I never got a head injury.’  I’d say, ‘When was that?  Where was that?’  And it would be some idyllic little community in some other state, and I’d say, ‘Try riding a bike in Tampa now, and get back to me on that.  The world has changed.  The roads have changed.  The danger level has changed.”

Clearly, the law’s chief proponent had taken on a daunting task, but being part of the state’s first college of public health had its rewards.  Dr. Charles Mahan, state health director under Gov. Lawton Chiles, was a valuable ally.  COPH was still the only school of public health in Florida, and COPH professors were trekking all the way to Tallahassee to teach weekly classes at the state health department office.  Through the department’s close working relationship with COPH, Mahan already had known Liller and had been supportive of her efforts.

Dr. Charles Mahan

Dr. Charles Mahan

“We knew that Karen was really focused on getting a child helmet law through, and certainly, we were very much in favor of that,” said Mahan, who was COPH dean by the time the measure was in its third incarnation.  Mahan had known Chiles since well before the latter began his two terms as governor.

When Mahan was a medical student at the University of Florida, Chiles became interested in his work on infant mortality.  Personal and professional bonds soon followed.

“When he was a senator, I would go around the country and hold hearings with him,” Mahan recalled.  “He would do all the talking, but I would help him figure out what to say, depending on what the issue was.”

Mahan knew the governor well enough to know he was predisposed to children’s health issues.

“Any issue related to children was something that Gov. and Mrs. Chiles were supportive of,” Mahan said.  “Anything that needed his support on children’s issues for safety or survival or whatever, he would tell the staff – me and everyone else – to make sure that it got supported.” ThinkstockPhotos-177252344 With the encouragement of a popular governor, the proposal was gaining momentum.  The awareness raised by the news of the pending legislation helped engender educational outreaches that helped the ball roll faster.

“Betty Castor, who became president of USF, was head of education at the time,” Mahan said, “and the school systems jumped right in with educational efforts.”

Those collective efforts eventually generated the irresistible momentum that carried the measure over the finish line.

“With Charlie’s support and the governor’s, on the third attempt, it was successful,” Liller said.  “And I testified and did a variety of things locally, as well, for the bill.  A colleague of mine also did a cost-effectiveness study, and he also testified with that in Tallahassee.  I think it was a combination of all of these things.  We kept sending the legislators our research findings, and with all the backing, eventually, in 1996, the bill passed.”

A victory not etched in stone

“Bike helmets are an investment we should make to ensure our children’s health and safety,” Chiles declared as he signed the bill onto law.

The measure became effective on Jan. 1, 1997, and for the next 12 months, it was easy for anyone to live with.  A violator would receive a warning and a bicycle safety brochure.  As of Jan. 1, 1998, however, that brochure was delivered with a $17 citation.  It was a light fine as fines go, and even it could be circumvented.

“After the first year, you could get a fine if the child was riding, was under the age of 16 and didn’t have a helmet on,” Liller said, “but you could get around that if you could show evidence of a bicycle helmet.” Wear-Helmet-Safety-First-Sign-K-8519PrintHelmets on Heads LogoBikeHelmet_Logo

That, of course, was only when the law was enforced, which, according to Liller, wasn’t – and still isn’t – very often.

“Police are very reluctant,” she said.  “I talk to them about how many tickets they’ve given, and usually the answer is ‘none,’ at least in Hillsborough County.  They’re very reluctant to stop a child on a bike.”

Nonetheless, she said, by 1998, helmet use had risen exponentially, to 67 percent in Hillsborough County.  So even without much enforcement, the law was accomplishing its purpose.

“I think the law has been great,” Liller said.  “We did an analysis of its efficacy.  We did show that helmet use has gone up, and we showed that injuries have gone down.  And that was great.  That was the intent of the law.  Injury prevention does its best, many times, when there’s a policy change or a legislative change, because it just reaches more people.”

Mahan agreed. “Having it as law is a big awareness raiser,” he said.  “It gets all over the papers and the news again and again.  The legislature is considering this measure.  That’s news.  The legislature passed it today.  That’s news.  The governor signed it into law.  That’s news again.  It went into effect today, so that’s news, too.

“For the majority of parents, who care so much about their kids, just the awareness-raising and then seeing other kids out there with their helmets on helped, but it took time.  As with any legislation, it takes about three years to get a good idea through.  It’s very hard to take a new idea on regulation to the legislature.”

“It was a very exciting time,” Liller said, “because, the first couple of times, I would go to the injury meetings, we’d work on the language of the law, and it just kept getting defeated.  The first year we did it, I think we just put it out there and said, ‘Let’s just see how it goes.’  The second year, we didn’t have the information about the penalty.  I still don’t like the penalty.  I don’t to this day.  But it was a really exciting process, and I’m so glad I was part of it.”

Still, Liller knows that no law is etched in stone.  The state threw a scare into helmet proponents and safety advocates in general when it partially repealed its motorcycle helmet law by limiting the requirement to riders under 21. CountyMayo_index “We were very afraid that they were going to repeal the bicycle helmet law, too, but so far, so good,” Liller said.  “They haven’t touched that law.  I think that’s because it’s for children.  I think if we would have had that helmet law for all ages, we would have been in trouble.”

“When I was at the state health office,” Mahan said, “the helmet law was a big plus, but at the same time, we lost the motorcycle helmet law, and that’s had tremendous consequences.”

The work continues

“We want it to become a norm,” Liller said of bicycle helmet use.  “We want it to be that, when these children have children, there won’t be any question when you get on a bike.  And we’re starting to see that.”

Mahan concurred.  He said he and his wife live two blocks from an elementary school, and the progress is easily visible.

“A lot of the kids are riding their bikes to school,” he said, “and every one of them has a helmet on.”

Work since the law’s passage has been geared toward bicycle helmet give-away programs.

“If you don’t have a helmet, we can find you one,” Liller said.  “We can find a program – Safe Kids, Tampa General, we can find somewhere to get you a helmet.”

Liller’s work on the law continues to influence safety initiatives.

“Our work has been in world publications about helmet use, about laws, about how it’s done,” she said.  “The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation wants to know about strategies, and it seems that the strategies that were developed in the ’90s – people are still really interested in those.  We were always pleased that our work is often cited as an example, even though many years have passed.”

Liller said she also is gratified to see the lasting validation of her and her colleagues’ methodology.

“It’s interesting that the work that we did is still being used.  If you run a program, you do some observational surveys.  You look at that helmet use on those kids.  You don’t just ask them.  You actually watch them.”

In the intervening years, Liller’s focus has shifted to high school sports injuries, but she remains committed to the legislation she helped to bring about, and she remains engaged with it, most recently as a content reviewer for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Wisconsin Population Health Institute for strategies they want to propose for child safety seats – and yes, bicycle helmets. ThinkstockPhotos-168176878 Her message for the naysayers remains the same.

“We’re not telling children they can’t ride bikes,” she said.  “We’re not telling children they can’t have fun or anything else we were accused of so often.  Basically, it’s just taking necessary precautions.  There’s been some literature that says we should let kids take more risks.  We don’t want to stop anyone from taking risks or having fun or getting exercise.  We just don’t want a child to die from a perfectly preventable head injury.  We’re smarter now.”

Story by David Brothers, College of Public Health.  Photos courtesy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, Helmets On Heads, County Mayo and other sources.

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Transforming the MPH core curriculum https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/35th-anniversary-spotlight-transforming-the-mph-core-curriculum/ Sun, 17 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=31429 First published on February 10, 2020 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration. The USF College of Public Health become one of the first public health programs in the nation to transform the core curriculum to meet 21st century public health needs and to meet changing Council for Education […]

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First published on February 10, 2020 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration.

The USF College of Public Health become one of the first public health programs in the nation to transform the core curriculum to meet 21st century public health needs and to meet changing Council for Education in Public Health (CEPH) competency requirements in 2014.

“This curriculum was designed to reflect the true, interdisciplinary nature of public health. While, historically, schools and colleges of public health have introduced students to the core curriculum of public health in the first year of the master of public health (MPH) program from independent perspectives, this approach lacked an interdisciplinary and integrated approach required to address public health problems,” said Dr. Jaime Corvin, associate professor and director of the MPH program.

Dr. Jaime Corvin (Photo courtesy of USF Health)

Faculty at the COPH were charged with addressing this problem, rethinking our curriculum and developing a program to prepare the next generation of public health professionals. 

Today, more than 700 students have successfully completed the new core at USF and have earned the Certified in Public Health (CPH) designation, a requirement of the new program. 

“People often ask, why change the core?” Corvin said. “Simply put, our MPH program was a strong program. But it was no longer addressing the realities of 21st century public health problems. We deal with complex problems, we come together as multidisciplinary teams to address these issues, and we don’t act in silos. There was a need to teach traditional content but in an integrated fashion and to ensure that our students were receiving practical, hands-on-training.” 

The COPH’s MPH program now integrates rigorous public health training with broad exposure to the breadth and depth of the field, according to Corvin.

Students learn the traditional public health content but are required to apply those skills through case studies, communications assignments, and the analysis of public health data in History and Systems, Population Assessment I and Population Assessment II, as well as the development of public health promotion campaigns in Translation to Practice. 

“Students work in groups, they debate, they write – a lot – and they synthesize public health problems, coming together to develop innovative strategies to address the problems poised,” Corvin said.  

The MPH core courses are taught by a team of faculty and leaders within the college, including Dean Donna Petersen and Drs. Anna Armstrong, Jason Beckstead, Tom Bernard, Joe Bohn, Jaime Corvin, Rita Debate, Zac Pruitt, Troy Quast, Tom Unnasch, Kate Wolfe-Quintero, Ronee Wilson and Janice Zgibor.

COPH graduate students presenting at the USF Graduate Research Symposium. (Photo by Anna Mayor)

In addition, each cohort is supported by a team of doctoral and masters level teaching assistants. Together, this team strives to provide the best experience for students as they learn and practice the foundational public health concepts. 

Corvin also shared how, as the student body changed and as CEPH competencies were revised, revisions were required to ensure students were graduating with the tools and skills needed to be successful in the workforce. 

Such revisions included a renewed focus on communication and leadership, the importance of writing and the need for enhanced professional development skills.

“In fact, Dr. Anna Armstrong, who leads the USF BullPEN initiative, recently conducted a study to assess professional development needs of our students as perceived by our students and the local workforce,” Corvin said.

Armstrong found that students felt they needed job readiness skills and employers believed students needed help with communication and professional development.

As a result, the USF BullPEN was launched and elements of professional development were incorporated in the Core curriculum. 

Corvin and Armstrong believe that the focus on professional development will help our students to be better prepared as they enter the workforce. They also hope that this will instill a culture of continuing education, lifelong learning, and professional development, all important tenants of the field.

“It’s a lot of work and it takes a commitment. A commitment to your studies and to the field. But we hear back from our graduates about how prepared they feel in their new careers. To me, there is nothing more rewarding,” Corvin said when asked how students receive the program.

The faculty often receive feedback that the strength of USF’s MPH program is its focus on integration of core subject areas and real-world application.

Hari Venkatachalam, a recent graduate of the program, shared “when I joined the Department of Veterans Affairs as a Health Science Research Specialist, I found myself initially overwhelmed with the diversity among the research staff: There were nurses, anthropologists, physical therapists, and biostatisticians. They each brought such unique skills. But that’s what the USF’s MPH program prepares its students for. It prepares us for real world public health work, whether it’s by giving us the analytical skills to perform data management, honing the investigative skills to perform reviews of literature, or the fine-tuning of our writing and oratory skills to defend a program’s implementation. The program is built in a manner that when a student joins the workforce, they find themselves jumping into the position like riding a bike; The skills have become second-nature.” 

Other students have gone on to continue their education, USF’s MPH serving as a strong foundation for the next step in their career path.

“I found that I entered the program vastly more prepared and comfortable than my peers, and have bragged about my integrated MPH on more than one occasion,” said Amina Zeidan who is now a doctoral student in a translational science program at the University of Texas. “These courses were more realistic and relate-able to real life work experiences.”

Corvin said the MPH committee will continue to evaluate and revise the core, striving for a more rigorous foundation for the next generation of public health professionals. 

“Our graduates are the future – public health professionals poised to bring people together and to be the change!” Corvin said.

Story by USF COPH Staff Writer

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Teaching advocacy via the Activist Lab https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/35th-anniversary-spotlight-the-activist-lab-2/ Sat, 16 Dec 2023 16:46:50 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=30689 First published on October 7, 2019 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration. Advocacy is as important in public health as data analyses and needs’ assessments. But students have traditionally lacked advocacy experience. In 2018, Dr. Karen Liller, a USF College of Public Health (COPH) professor specializing in injury […]

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First published on October 7, 2019 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration.

Advocacy is as important in public health as data analyses and needs’ assessments.

But students have traditionally lacked advocacy experience.

In 2018, Dr. Karen Liller, a USF College of Public Health (COPH) professor specializing in injury prevention and health education, decided to remedy that situation by starting the Activist Lab at the COPH.

The group, which is run with the help of two research assistants and a six-student advisory board made up of graduate and undergraduate students, provides interdisciplinary advocacy, education, research and service opportunities for students to develop the skills that will promote their success as effective public health advocates and leaders.

Left to right: Jason Jackman and Rebecca Liller of the USF Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), Karen Liller, PhD, director of the Activist Lab, and student members of the lab’s board pose at a presentation on transportation advocacy. (Photo courtesy of Liller)

The Activist Lab, directed by Liller, is the second such lab in the country, with the first being at Boston University’s School of Public Health.

Liller says she had been wanting to start a program like the Activist Lab at the COPH for a while, to compliment the Doctoral Student Leadership Institute she began as dean of the USF Graduate School, now known as the Office of Graduate Studies.

“I strongly believed students needed much more preparation in leadership and advocacy skills before they graduated,” Liller commented.

In just one year of its existence, hundreds of students have taken part in the Activist Lab’s educational and service opportunities, which include activism boot camps, seminars, guest speakers, journal clubs, writing groups, research efforts and public health in a minute videos. These videos—only 60 seconds long—have featured faculty and community leaders discussing pertinent public health issues, everything from the importance of voting to refugee health.

According to Liller, some of the Activist Lab’s first-year highlights include:

Dr. Liller and members of the Activist Lab meet with Emma González (kneeling, first on right), and David Hogg (back row, second from right), before a discussion on gun violence prevention. (Photo by Caitlin Keough)

Things won’t slow down for the Activist Lab anytime soon. In addition to the continuation of seminars, speakers and learning opportunities, the organization has the following things planned for the future:

  • a boot camp on the prevention of firearm violence, scheduled for January
  • a new program called “More Opportunities to Use Learned Advocacy” (MOULA), where students work with particular agencies, such as Moms Demand Action and the Guardian ad Litem program, on advocacy issues
  • the launch of a new podcast series called “Advocation—Change It Up!” The first podcast features Dr. Jill Roberts, a COPH alumna and assistant professor of global health, discussing the importance of immunizations.
  • an oral presentation on activism, to be delivered at the 2019 American Public Health Association (APHA) meeting in November

The Activist Lab serves as an exciting hub of learning and action for students to become directly involved in practicing leadership and advocacy skills, says Liller, who sees the lab’s numbers growing and its reach expanding beyond the college and university to the state, nation and world. 

“For example, with our podcast new persons will be reached and advocacy skills can be expanded and practiced,” remarked Liller. “Students can become part of our advisory board and really help shape the direction of the lab. They can participate in all of our events, and as we grow more and more opportunities will become available.”

Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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Newly revived Public Health Executive Leadership Program welcomes second cohort https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/35th-anniversary-spotlight-newly-revived-public-health-executive-leadership-program-welcomes-second-cohort/ Sat, 09 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=31099 First published on December 9, 2019 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration. In 2018, the USF College of Public Health (COPH) resurrected its Public Health Executive Leadership Program, which had been dormant for 10 years. The program aims to bring rising leaders in the Florida Department of Health […]

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First published on December 9, 2019 in observance of the COPH’s 35th anniversary celebration.

In 2018, the USF College of Public Health (COPH) resurrected its Public Health Executive Leadership Program, which had been dormant for 10 years.

The program aims to bring rising leaders in the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) together to “collaborate and improve upon their own as well as their agency’s effectiveness,” said Dr. Marissa Levine, a COPH professor and co-director of the program along with Dr. Anthony Masys, an associate professor and director of global disaster management, humanitarian assistance and homeland security. “We revived the program not to teach public health skills, but to bring out leadership skills.”

Last year’s program brought 28 FDOH professionals—everyone from bureau chiefs to doctors and nurses to lab executives—to the USF Tampa campus several times over the course of nine months to attend workshops and presentations. In between the sessions, the group performed online work and discussions.

Anthony Masys, PhD, speaks at last year’s Public Health Executive Leadership Program. (Photo by Caitlin Keough)

“The students evaluated their own leadership skill growth at the beginning and end of the program,” explained Levine. “Based on this, we saw a significant increase in self-assessed leadership skills. In addition, each student completed a capstone project relevant to their work at their base of operations. Each project was impactful and some had the potential for state- or national-level effectiveness.”

As an added bonus, many students in the program who did not initially know each other created professional relationships. “That will not only help them personally, but it will also enhance the work and impact of the department,” noted Levine.

Marissa Levine, MD, MPH (far left) stands with the Public Health Executive Leadership Program’s 2019 cohort. (Photo by Caitlin Keough)

Hurricane season pushed back the start of this year’s program, but in November 30 FDOH workers came to campus to open the 2019 program and begin fine-tuning their leadership skills. 

“This is another dynamic group who we will meet again in person four more times between now and May. Next month we will be exploring leadership in a political context and will convene in Tallahassee where we will view committee meetings and learn about all levels of government budget and policy making,” said Levine.

The Center for Leadership in Public Health Practice, the COPH group that puts on the program, has an annual contract with the FDOH. According to Levine, the group is looking to expand its offerings to engage other public health professionals. “We’re disseminating information to our graduates and others interested in leadership so that we can create a robust resource for leaders working to collaboratively improve health and well-being,” said Levine

.Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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From undergrad to doctoral level, COPH Delta Omega student presenters score big at APHA https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/from-undergrad-to-doctoral-level-coph-delta-omega-student-presenters-score-big-at-apha/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:46:00 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=40561 Three USF College of Public Health (COPH) students presented research abstracts at the Delta-Omega-sponsored Student Poster Session at the annual American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Meeting and Expo held in Atlanta in November. Delta Omega is a national honorary society for public health students with more than 20,000 members. Each year, […]

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Three USF College of Public Health (COPH) students presented research abstracts at the Delta-Omega-sponsored Student Poster Session at the annual American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Meeting and Expo held in Atlanta in November.

Delta Omega is a national honorary society for public health students with more than 20,000 members. Each year, 29 students are selected to present their research during the Delta Omega Student Poster Session at the APHA’s annual meeting. While students do not need to be members of Delta Omega to compete, they must attend schools and programs with active chapters and be approved by the respective chapter to compete.

Doctoral student Rafaella Stein Elger presented research titled “Examining the sources, utilization and needs of support among caregivers of children with special health care needs in Florida.”

COPH students Isabella Abbondanza and Rafaella Stein Elger stand with their Delta Omega awards presented during the APHA Meeting & Expo. (Photo courtesy of Abbondanza)

“This study showed that the main barriers to accessing services and resources are geography, families’ eligibility and the type of insurance families have,” Stein Elger said. “Our study also showed that caregivers need more support, and many times they’re navigating health care and education systems that are not collaborating. I think this study gives us an overview of what it means to be a caregiver for a child with special health care needs in Florida.”

Isabella Abbondanza, a senior BSPH student, presented her research titled “Experiences of Spanish-speaking participants in the Positive Parenting & Partnership (P3) Program.”

“Understanding if there are cultural differences between parenting styles can lead to more culturally appropriate material offered to parents who want to learn better parenting techniques,” Abbondanza explained. “Parents can have a huge impact on a child’s health outcomes in adulthood, and if we are able to understand cultural differences within parenting, we can better prepare parents of all backgrounds.”

Paula Hernandez, the third COPH Delta Omega presenter, shared her research on parental attitudes toward HPV vaccinations for adolescents.

Paula Hernandez stands in front of her research poster at APHA. (Photo courtesy of Hernandez)

“There are still many negative stigmas and misconceptions around sexual health that can impact health care decision-making and one’s health in general,” Hernandez, an MPH student, said. “Additionally, reproductive health is an integral part of women’s health and well-being, which makes it important to work toward creating equitable and effective care for all individuals.”

In addition to receiving a $500 monetary award, all the students said one of the most rewarding things about presenting was engaging with session participants.

“I was able to work on my public speaking skills while also being given a great platform to advocate for the HPV vaccine,” Hernandez said.

“My favorite part of presenting was engaging in meaningful conversations with people who also found this research important,” Abbondanza added. “Some people were interested because the research was related to their career field, and some people were interested because they come from different cultural backgrounds and felt like they could relate to the topic. I loved that I was able to practice my networking skills because good networking skills are valuable in any career field.” 

Story by Donna Campisano for USF College of Public Health

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Activist Lab receives APHA Student Champions Climate Justice Award https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/activist-lab-receives-apha-student-champions-climate-justice-award/ Mon, 13 Nov 2023 13:07:46 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=40489 The USF College of Public Health (COPH) Activist Lab recently received an American Public Health Association (APHA) Student Champions Climate Justice Award. The APHA’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity presents the Student Champions for Climate Justice Awards each year to student groups across the country. Students receiving the award […]

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The USF College of Public Health (COPH) Activist Lab recently received an American Public Health Association (APHA) Student Champions Climate Justice Award.

The APHA’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity presents the Student Champions for Climate Justice Awards each year to student groups across the country. Students receiving the award are tasked with creating an academic community experience on their campuses to raise awareness about climate justice.

Photo source: Canva

According to Rolando Trejos, a COPH PhD student who also serves as the project lead for the grant, climate justice recognizes the unfair, unequal and disproportionate effects of changes in the climate among communities of color, older adults, children and people with lower incomes and encourages the input of the uplifting community when attempting to tackle its effects.

“As an international student from Panamá, I have observed firsthand the catastrophic role of human-made emissions and contamination in accelerating the rate of climate change in the region I am originally from, called Azuero,” Trejos said. “In this region, pesticide exposure and atrazine contamination of one of the main rivers are hypothesized to play a role in the steep increase in the number of new cancer cases, with little to no attention to this issue. It is hoped that programs such as ours will enhance advocacy.”

The months-long project has been performed in several stages.

In September, Activist Lab members visited Liberty Middle School in Tampa and provided an interactive presentation on climate justice for 22 students.

From left to right: Karen Liller, PhD, director of the Activist Lab, with Activist Lab members Hannah Harburg and Rolando Trejos at Liberty Middle School. (Photo courtesy of Trejos)

In October, they released a podcast on climate justice and Latino health that featured COPH professors and Salud Latina members Drs. Arlene Calvo and Ricardo Izurieta and Dr. Joseph Grzywacz, associate dean for research and faculty, from San Jose State University. The third and main event was a climate justice workshop for undergraduate and graduate students held at the COPH at the end of October.

From left to right: COPH Professor Ricardo Izurieta, MD, DrPH, and Rolando Trejos record a podcast on Latino health, cancer and climate change. (Photo courtesy of Trejos)

The final events, said Trejos, will be an oral presentation given at the APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo within the APHA Emerging Scholars program and an “Instagram takeover” of the official Instagram of the American Public Health Association.

“Bringing awareness to the importance of climate justice and promoting health equity among Latinos has been exciting,” Trejos said. “On a personal note, as a Latino public health professional and cancer researcher, I aspire to continue to work toward envisioning equity in cancer among Latinos, which will necessitate an understanding of the roles of both the social and built environments.”

Trejos said he and the other Activist Lab members feel “honored” to have received the APHA award.

“It is an honor to collaborate with our Activist Lab director and principal investigator of the grant Dr. Karen Liller and student advisory board members Jenny Ho, Amadeo Brandon, Hannah Harburg and Farshid Faizee in the planning and implementation of this project,” Trejos noted.

Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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COPH staff takes on leadership roles with FPHA https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/coph-staff-takes-on-leadership-roles-with-fpha/ Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:35:34 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=40275 Two USF College of Public Health (COPH) staff members took on new leadership positions with the Florida Public Health Association (FPHA), the professional organization for public health workers in Florida. The leaderships changes took effect during the FPHA’s annual meeting, held in Orlando in July. Allison Rapp, MPH, moved to […]

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Two USF College of Public Health (COPH) staff members took on new leadership positions with the Florida Public Health Association (FPHA), the professional organization for public health workers in Florida.

The leaderships changes took effect during the FPHA’s annual meeting, held in Orlando in July.

Allison Rapp, MPH, moved to first vice president of the group while Parnia Roghani Shareef, who received her MPH from the college, moved to second vice president. Both Rapp and Roghani Shareef are program planner analysts with the COPH’s Center for Leadership in Public Health Practice.

COPH DrPH student Kelli Agrawal currently serves as the FPHA’s student engagement committee co-chair.

From left to right: Parnia Roghani Shareef, Allison Rapp, Berthline Isma, FPHA president, and Venise White, FPHA immediate past president. (Photo courtesy of Roghani Shareef)

The FPHA membership elects the second vice president, who serves a one-year term. Every year the officers move up—from second vice president to first vice president to president and immediate past president. All in all, officers serve for four years.

“When I moved to Florida in 2014, I knew I needed to network and one of the first things I did was find the FPHA,” Rapp said. “In fact, I moved at the end of June that year and the conference was in July. I’ve taken on numerous roles throughout the years with FPHA including member-at-large and treasurer. In an effort to continue to develop as a leader, I wanted to take on FPHA leadership roles and here I am—vice president.”

Rapp said two of her major responsibilities will be planning the annual conference and expanding the reach of the FPHA.

“I like to think that there is not a single issue we are faced with, across all areas, that is not connected to public health,” Rapp said. “Give me an issue you think is not a public health issue and I will explain to you why it is. That said, I want to bring other sectors—from business to education and more—to understand that they should be interested in public health, join the FPHA and come to our amazing conference.”

Roghani Shareef said strengthening connections with those inside and outside public health will be her focus as well.

“I hope to accomplish a successful mentorship program, which I helped launch last year,” she said. “I also hope to continue to collaborate across different sectors. As Allison mentioned, what isn’t public health? Having those connections and networks will really enhance our efforts in public health.”

Roghani Shareef was also recognized with the FPHA’s Meritorious Service Award, which is given annually to an FPHA member who has a record of making outstanding contributions to the FPHA in the field of public health.

Roghani Shareef, center, with her Meritorious Service Award. (Photo courtesy of Roghani Shareef)

“I feel honored not only to be nominated and receive this award from one of my role models [Venise White, FPHA’s immediate past president], but to know that the work I am doing is making an impact,” Roghani Shareef said. “It feels amazing and brings me one step closer to changing the world!”

Also recognized by the FPHA at their annual meeting was alum Nicole Sutton, who received the Robert D. May M.D. Award. The award is given to a public health worker and FPHA member who has demonstrated significant accomplishments advancing public health at local or state levels.

Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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Two health sciences majors now lead USF student government https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/two-health-sciences-majors-now-lead-usf-student-government/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:22:19 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=40133 Cesar Esmeraldi and Elizabeth Volmy, USF College of Public Health (COPH) health sciences majors in their senior year, were recently elected to lead the USF student government. Esmeraldi is student body president while Volmy serves as student body vice president. The duo, who won in a runoff election last spring, […]

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Cesar Esmeraldi and Elizabeth Volmy, USF College of Public Health (COPH) health sciences majors in their senior year, were recently elected to lead the USF student government.

Esmeraldi is student body president while Volmy serves as student body vice president.

COPH students Elizabeth Volmy, left, and Cesar Esmeraldi, right, took office in May. (Photo courtesy of Volmy)

The duo, who won in a runoff election last spring, ran on a platform they dubbed M.O.R.E.

“M is for mental health, O for opportunities, R for rides, parking and transportation and E for empowerment,” Volmy, a first-generation American, explained. “I believe that each letter of the acronym is relevant to issues we students face on campus.”

Volmy, who also minors in nutrition science and biomedical physics and has plans of attending medical school after graduation, said the pair’s background in public health helped them shape their M.O.R.E. platform.

“Research, data, community and environmental health—these things were all crucial learning points that helped strengthen and frame the platform,” Volmy said. “Being able to implement my knowledge and passion for health sciences into the platform to help make an impact and create positive change was truly amazing. My positions [in student government] have taught me to use my knowledge of public health to support, promote and create initiatives that enhance the wellness and overall health of my peers.”

“We decided to run with this platform after we spoke with students from around all campuses and heard their main thoughts and concerns,” added Esmeraldi, who came to the U.S. from Brazil at the age of 15 and hopes to attend law school once he graduates. “Mental health is an essential pillar of our platform that we want to emphasize. And we think it has everything to do with our experience as members of the COPH. We find it a great asset that we’re both health sciences majors.”

In keeping with the M.O.R.E. platform, some initiatives Esmeraldi and Volmy are kicking around are creating the HERD CARE mental health program, which will include monthly mental health check-ins with students, and promoting the availability of resources. As a way of improving opportunities for students, they have led the installation of 40 new computers and monitors in the Student Government Computer Services computer lab. The goal, said both Esmeraldi and Volmy, is making sure every student feels heard and represented.

“Student government and public health are about taking care of people,” Esmeraldi said. “Service to others is key for both.”

Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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Mentoring award is named after Dr. Russell Kirby—who becomes its first-ever recipient https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/mentoring-award-is-named-after-dr-russell-kirby-who-becomes-its-first-ever-recipient/ Fri, 08 Sep 2023 12:30:29 +0000 https://hscweb3.hsc.usf.edu/health/publichealth/news/?p=40068 Dr. Russell Kirby, a USF Distinguished Professor and perinatal epidemiology expert at the USF College of Public Health, has been honored with a mentoring award that bears his name. Kirby became the first-ever recipient of the Russell S. Kirby Mentoring Award, presented by the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN). […]

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Dr. Russell Kirby, a USF Distinguished Professor and perinatal epidemiology expert at the USF College of Public Health, has been honored with a mentoring award that bears his name.

Kirby became the first-ever recipient of the Russell S. Kirby Mentoring Award, presented by the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN).

“The award,” says the NBDPN, an international group of individuals dedicated to birth defects surveillance, research and prevention, “is given to an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to mentoring, advising and building supportive environments for colleagues in the field of birth defects surveillance, research and prevention.”

Russell Kirby, PhD, accepting his mentoring award from Dr. Wendy Nembhard, NBDPN president. (Photo courtesy of Kirby)

The NBDPN said it presented the award in Kirby’s honor for his years of supporting the growth of birth defects programs, as well as for mentoring students, staff and other professionals.

“I was very honored to receive the award, which I did not expect,” Kirby said. “I knew that the new award was being created and would be named in my honor, but I did not anticipate I would be its first recipient.”

Kirby estimated he’s mentored “hundreds” of students and professionals on birth defects—their prevalence and prevention—over the years.

“While at USF, in addition to approximately 20 maternal and child health concentration students each year, I have sat on 36 dissertation and thesis committees, serving as major/co-major professor for 21 students,” Kirby noted. “I have also mentored numerous faculty members at USF and other universities around the country, and I have worked with program staff at birth defects surveillance programs in many states. I helped establish programs in Rhode Island, Delaware, Minnesota and Oregon, and I worked closely on projects with colleagues in Colorado, Texas, Michigan and New York. This has been in addition to my leadership for the Birth Defects Surveillance Program at USF.”

Kirby said he feels an obligation to his peers and his profession to act as a mentor to those interested in the study of birth defects.

“Mentoring is what it’s all about,” he said. “Just as others supported me in my education and early career, I feel I owe it to pay it back. Mentoring is very rewarding and generates lifelong connections and friendships that transcend our daily work.”

Story by Donna Campisano, USF College of Public Health

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