Call for 2013-14 BHSO Officer Nominations


The Behavioral Health Student Organization is looking for new students to get involved with our ongoing efforts to serve the USF, COPH, Behavioral Health concentration or any students interested in Behavioral Health, in our mission to:


Serve as a forum for those with an interest in Behavioral Health.  Our mission is to educate and increase awareness of Behavioral Health issues and projects within the United States and abroad.  We provide ample service and learning opportunities to network with students, faculty and the greater Behavioral Health community.  We hope to improve the well-being of the surrounding community by promoting awareness, compassion, and solidarity.


As an officer you will have the exclusive opportunity to develop leadership skills and add that experience to your resume, collaborate with new and senior students, and become a part of the vibrant Behavioral Health community.

Please nominate yourself or others for one or multiple positions. BHSO is looking forward to hearing from you!


BHSO Elections decisions will be made on April 25 for the 2013-2014 Academic Year! Join our Leadership today!

Please email nominations to Tony Hernandez at –

Below is the list of positions:

President: The President’s duties include, but are not limited to, presiding over meetings, appointing and overseeing organizational functions, and to act as primary University liaison.

Vice-President: The Vice-President’s duties include, but are not limited to, assisting the President, presiding over meetings in the President’s absence, overseeing all standing committee functions, and acting as University liaison.

Secretary: The Secretary records, maintains, and makes available copies of the meeting minutes, handles correspondence as needed, and gives notice of time, place and agenda of BHSO meetings.

Treasurer:  The treasurer receives, dispatches, and keeps accurate records of all financial matters regarding BHSO, and prepares and submits annual budgets to the Financial Review Board for Activity & Service allocation from the Student Government.

Events chair:  The events chair shall be responsible for planning our monthly events, including the coordination of activities and development of relevant materials.  A committee may be formulated to assist the Service Chair in the management of her/his duties.

Webmaster: The Webmaster shall maintain the website by posting all current information regarding our efforts on a timely basis.  This will include the management of internet-based networking and promotion sites for the organization.

PR chair: The PR Chair is be in charge of working closely with the other members to devise and implement an overall marketing and public relations strategy to promote BHSO and its programs and activities.