Cranking crisis into catalyst cleared new paths for Dr. Richard Hartman

| Academic & Student Affairs, EOH, Monday Letter, Our Alumni

When Richard Hartman’s doctoral dissertation committee at the USF College of Public Health turned down his research proposal, he knew he had a choice to make, and he made it. Staring down the biggest hurdle of his academic life while already in a full-time career wasn’t easy, he said, but it was productive.

“It forced me to rethink and create a solution vs. giving up,” he said, “a lesson we all need to face. That is, challenges and obstacles can be overcome, but you need to dig deep down inside and find the courage and fortitude to prevail. Things that come too easy are not appreciated, and this bump, even though it was devastating at the time, made me appreciate my PhD program over others. I earned my PhD!”

That cranking of crisis into catalyst cleared new paths for Dr. Richard Hartman, entrepreneur, board-certified safety professional, certified industrial hygienist, and USF Alumni Association board member.

Richard Hartman, PhD, MS, CSP, CIH

Richard Hartman, PhD, MS, CSP, CIH

Hartman’s higher education journey began at USF, where he earned a bachelor of science in physics in 1988. He went on to the Air Force Institute of Technology for a master of science in environmental policy and management, but realized he wanted more. By then an officer in the U.S. Air Force stationed at MacDill AFB, he found the proximity to his undergraduate alma mater irresistible.

“It was convenient, and the timing was right,” he said, “and USF COPH had a program that matched closely with my military career path.”

That, he said, led to the opening of more paths.

“It was not until I was accepted into the PhD program,” he said, “that I truly understood the value of my education by expanding my depth and breadth of knowledge outside my career path to have the confidence to create other paths. My experience at COPH renewed my pursuit of academic excellence, broadening my education well beyond my environment, safety and occupational health career path, opening doors and, more important, opening my imagination and entrepreneurial spirit.”

Following completion of his public health PhD, those other paths and that entrepreneurial spirit have landed him adjunct professor positions at George Washington and Georgetown universities, numerous board memberships in both the public and private sectors, a pair of USF Fast 56 awards, and several National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research grants.

USF President Judy Genshaft congratulates Dr. Richard Hartman

USF President Judy Genshaft congratulates Dr. Richard Hartman at the 2013 USF Fast 56 Award Program

“My research and business interests,” he said, “are in understanding how policy, operations and behavior can be measured, predicted and modified using traditional and new media and bringing those technologies to market. I’m also interested in ensuring that public and private organizations can make more informed decisions by monitoring the dialog on the Web with an emphasis on health care, environment and energy.”

Hartman said the burgeoning realm of public health issues is highlighting the field’s relevance like never before. He cited the passage of the Affordable Care Act, growing attention to mental illness and bullying, increased incidence of MRSA and other infectious diseases, balancing risks with economic benefits in environmental, safety and health policy, and the coming big data revolution in health care as prime examples.

“However,” he added, “all colleges of public health should introduce or emphasize courses in leadership, management, negotiation and entrepreneurialism. Without these skill sets, it will be difficult for public health leaders to take advantage of this moment in time to ensure that public health competes well with the conventional medical system.”


Note: Dr. Jay Wolfson, Distinguished Service Professor of Public Health and Medicine, will interview Hartman for a COPH Dean’s Lecture Series presentation, “An Afternoon with Dr. Richard Hartman, COPH Alumnus and Entrepreneur” on Friday, Oct. 17, at 12 p.m. in COPH 2016 & 2018.


Story by David Brothers, USF College of Public Health. Photos courtesy of Dr. Richard Hartman and Matt May, USF.